Chapter(113) Who is ruling the universe? What is the real form of Shakti?

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Who is ruling the universe? What is the real form of Shakti?



Lord Shri Krishna explains Arjun that Gyan Shakti gives us knowledge of universe, Maya Shakti makes us to do kriyas. This world is created , nurtured and destroyed by the energy, Shakti. But who has created this Shakti? Who has created the earth, water, the Sun, moon and the stars? Who has created five elements? The earth has energy to bear ,she has the power of bearing the seed .It is not her nature to bear.



                                                        (Brahma sutra)

Whatever we see with our eyes and touch physically is created and is sure to be destroyed. We can see the earth, the seas, the Sun, the moon and the stars and they are sure to be born and it is also understood that they might have to be destroyed. Then which is the energy behind everything. We see our body working but it is a nonliving thing without pran. The whole universe is created, nurtured and grown by the energy. Every living depends on food and they could digest different food too. Who has given these different energies to different living beings? A crow eats rats and lizards while a camel eats Baval tree's leaves. A crow cannot digest Baval and camel cannot eat rats and lizards.


        A small seed turns into a huge Banyan tree with leaves and fruits. It means that all the fruits, flowers and leaves of trees are hidden in a small seed. The earth, the water and the Sun light are totally different in their nature but they grow trees and give us various fruits and crops with team work. A single drop of VIRYA makes a human body in mothers' womb. What is this energy? Everything is done with the power of energy. We know the power of electricity when we get hurt by its current only. In the same way we could not understand the Shakti of Lord unless we are blessed by God's mercy. An owl could not see the Sun in day time; it does not mean that Sun does not exist. God has created this mysterious world with the help of Shakti. A banyan tree spreads wide but it has small fruits,  a mango tree is small but mango  is big. A pumpkin is big but its plant is very small and delicate. We have learnt the story of Saras cranes who has proud about his horns and feels shame for his thin and long legs. But when trapped by hunter, his horns get stickled in the branches of tree but he could run away and saved his life with the help of his long and thin legs. He thanked God for whatever he has given; is properly placed .In the same way we too try to find out mistakes of God in everything but time and experience make us realize why he has given something to one man and the some other things to the another person or livings.

God is omnipresent but he does not do any kriyas he does lilas along with his Shakti. Radhaji is shakti swaroop of Lord Shri Krishna, Ma Sitaji is Shakti swaroop of Lord Shri Ram and Ma Durga is the shakti swaroop of Rudravatar. We cannot understand God's lilas as they are full of mystery and supernatural element. If we read about God's lilas frequently, recites about God's hymns and remember about his lilas all the time we could find the way to liberation. When Saints do Sadhana and do NIRGUNA Upasana this Shakti becomes the Brahma Vidhya. When a devotee worship God in the form of Ram, Krishna i.e. SAGUN upasana it becomes Bhakti .We are part of Almighty. When a Sadhak understands this and becomes a true yogi, he feels Shakti of God in himself in the form of knowledge and Bhakti.

Even Bhakti Shakti has two forms i.e. meeting and parting. We enjoy meetings with our beloveds and we have to suffer when their departual. When God keeps us alone and we are departed from our beloveds, we get upset and blame our karma and God. But God puts us in this sorrowful situation so that we could understand that our original home is not on this earth. We are not departed from any human being but we are departed from the heavenly God. When our anxiety and eagerness arise and we long for god intently, when our attachment to sansar is demolished and our detachment to sansar leads us to God. God blesses us through his Gyan Shakti. Gyan Shakti, the power and energy through knowledge comes to us in the form of curiosity. And we want to know about the miracles of Almighty, we want to find answers of our unsolved questions and puzzles of life. This curiosity draws and drags us to religious Guru and books of knowledge; Vedas and Purans. The desire to know leads us to the knowledge of Brahma, Brahma Vidya. The Shakti of knowledge destroys our ignorance and now thinks how do we come to this stage of Brahmavidhya .The departual of our beloved leads us to God. The longing of beloved's love turns us to find out the answers of questions where is God? Why did he do this to us? Where should I go? What should I do? And this anxiety and eagerness, longing desire destroy all our sins and leads us to God which shows us the path of salvation through the karma yoga that we have to follow for rest of life. Whatever we get through this anxiety in depression, we could not get it through our thoughtful conscious efforts to get knowledge and God's mercy.

        Sitaji told that Ramji had done nothing .I have killed Rawan and I have done everything. It means that when God takes Avatar, he comes with his Shakti and do super natural lilas.Just as fire does not do anything itself but its flame gives light and it can destroy things in the form of fire too. Just as we have our Shakti and we feel that we too cannot do anything without this Shakti; but we cannot divide or show the different form of our Shakti. But God is united with his Shakti hence he can show it differently. We cannot say that God and his power; Shakti are one as God can show his Shakti in various forms which we cannot do with our Shakti-power because they are in a single form ABHINNA in the same way we cannot say that God and his Shakti are one as God can show his Shakti in various other forms which we cannot do with our Shakti power. Moreover our power or Shakti increases and decreases with our age and health. God's Shakti and power remains the same for all the time.

Then what are Dwaitya and Adwaitya?

Let's understand from our Lord Shri Krishna....

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