Chapter (147)What types of Kartavya karma are considered as KarmaYagna?

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What types of Kartavya karma are considered as Karma Yagna?

Lord Manu in Manusmruti says:



(MANU Smruti /55)

Lord Manu says that this Jivatma lives in the body with five senses and it depends on TAMOGUNA but when Sharir body cannot inhale or exhale Vayu or cannot do his SVAKARMA ,he abandons the worn and torn body and with all his senses and mind and intellect, ignorance , desires and his karma enters in to the next body i.e. the next birth according to his karma but as long as he lives in the human body he has to do his kartavya karma yagna as;



(MANU Smruti /108)

A destined kartavya is the first religion of every human being according to Veda and Smruti. All the Brahmins, Kshyatriya and Vaishya should do their kartavya karma yagna for the welfare of others. According to Lord Manu Shudra is bound to serve hence Shudra is not mentioned in the above verse. Lord Shri Krishna says to Arjun to abandon desires but to acquire knowledge of Veda and Vedic karma yoga .Learning Karma yagna is also a subject of desire. When a person thinks that he would get something by doing any karma it is considered as a Sankalpa i.e. firm determination. Determination is the root of desires. Yagna can be done only by firm determination .All the VRAT ,YAM and religious rituals also can be done by firm determination but to decide to do karma as a Yagna is the best desire of doing karma Yagna. Every Sadhak should do his Swa Dharma to get name and fame in his life on the earth and to be happy even after death in to another world i.e. PARLOK.

When we perform yagna , we pay AAHUTI oblation to the fire ,we offer different things to fire but when those things enter fire ,they all turn in to the form of fire itself. It means that to reach PARAMATMA all Sadhak use different ways and offer different things in the form of oblation i.e. different yagna but when they pay oblation to fire ,they cannot preserve their various forms. All types of yagna goes as an oblation and destroy their individuality as a yagna SWAHA and a Sadhak becomes free from the bondage of kartavya karma as the real substance of karma is that we do karma and we are not involved in the bondage of karma and we remain free from the cycle of birth and death; When a Sadhak does his karma as Yagna , selflessly his karma becomes the road to reach PARAMATMA but if he desires fruits from his kartavya karma, it would be no longer a karma yagna and he could not remain free from the bondage of the consequences of his karma i.e. fruits of his karma.

When a Sadhak does karma or perform kartavya to get something in return, he remains attached to his karma .The desire to get something created bondage of karma and it boosts his karma. If a desire is to reach PARAMATMA, he would be detached from Sansar but if he desires any worldly things how could he reach PARAMATMA .Nobody can get any immortal substance with the help of mortal sources. Until a Sadhak remains detached to things and kriya he could not be free from birth and death. Hence he should do karma yagna for the welfare of others LOKHITARTH KARMA. This karma is known as yagna. Yagna means all karma becomes AKARMA. It again means that they are not going to create any bondage for the Sadhak. Lord Krishna describes here twelve types of YAGNA. The FIRST is BRAHMA YAGNA in which a Sadhak thinks that everything is Brahma. The karta, the karan, kriya and the PADARTH all are swaroop of BRAHMA. The SECOND is BHAGAVAT DARPANRUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak thinks that everything, all sources and all kriyas are allotted to him and inspired by God and they should be offered back to God only. The Third is ABHINNATA RUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak thinks that he is a part of PARAMATMA and he is totally detached to untruth and illusion and delusion of Sansar . He has no separate identity of his existence and he does all his kartavya karma as yagna for the welfare of others. THE FOURTH is SAYAMRUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak controls all his ten senses, mind and intellect sitting in solitude and does not allow them to involve in any activities. THE FIFTH is VISHAY HAWANRUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak though lives in Sansar does not allow his senses involved in any activities that creates attachment, jealousy or envy. THE SIXTH is SAMADHIRUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak controls all the kriyas of his five senses and all the kriyas of his Pran and becomes steady in Samadhi under the light of knowledge. THE SEVENTH is DRAVYA YAGNA in which a Sadhak uses all his sources his body and senses, mind and intellect, strengths and power in the services of others selflessly without expecting anything in return. The eighth is TAPOYAGNA in which a Sadhak bare all the obstacles and adversity whatever comes along his way while performing his kartavya with pleasing attitude and smiling face. The NINETH is YOGA YAGNA in which a Sadhak remains steady in the success and failure or profit and loss, in pain and in gain and accepts them equally. The TENTH is SWADHYAYRUP GYAN YAGNA in which a Sadhak remains busy in studying and learning Shastra and reciting NAM and doing JAP for the welfare of others. THE ELEVENTH is PRANAYAM YAGNA in which a Sadhak performs yoga and PRANAYAM as PURAK, KUMBHAK AND RECHAK. The TWELVETH is STAMBHAVRUTI PRANAYAMRUP YAGNA in which a Sadhak following strict routine of eating and doing his kartavya controls his Pran and Apan Vayu in their proper place. It means that all over kriya must be yagna then only our life will be successful .It means that we have to live for others. We should understood and accept that we have no relation with things .We are allotted them by God to serve others. We have only permanent relation with PARAMATMA where no kriya or things comes in the way .

Then how could a Sadhak reach PARAMATMA by doing different yagna?

Let's understand from our great GOD shri Krishna.....

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