Chapter (205)What is the identity of real Sanyasi?

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What is the identity of real Sanyasi?

Manu Smruti says:


Every person has to live according to the order of Shastra. The fourth Ashrama

Is Sanyasashram but a person should be free from his worldly obligations and duties before entering sanyashram as he has to pay his duties to fulfill three obligations. They are obligation of God, obligation to RISHIS and obligation to Pitru. It means that a person should serve God by seeing him in every living and serving him. He should serve Rishi by protecting and nurturing religion, by serving the needy and the weak of the society and he has to be free from his family's obligations to his forefathers, parents, wife and children before entering into Sanyasashram. He should study Vedas in Vanprasthashram .He should handed over his worldly responsibilities to his sons and daughters and he should try to do karma yagna to serve the society with whatever capabilities and potentialities he is gifted by GOD. When he sees God in everyone and everywhere , he would serve every living and protect the environment as he thinks about the future generation of all the livings and he would behave eco friendly with environment in our modern terms as he has to preserve all the earthly sources for the next generation of all the livings.

When a person becomes sanyasi , he becomes free from the fear of any kind on this earth during his life and after his death. He should live in solitude and follow the order of Shastra as :


A Sanyasi should live without fire .It means he should live on fruits and vegetables. He should live without home. It means he should be detached to his family and relatives. He should live in jungle and he should visit the village only for his BHIKSHA i.e.for food. It means he should be totally involved in the welfare of others and minimize his physical needs by controlling his senses for food, clothes and other things of comforts. If he has to suffer from any type of disease, he should silently avoid it by not giving importance to the disease but he should be steady and perform meditation and dwell only in BRAHMACHARYASHRAMA.

Lord Shri Krishna says Arjun that only by following rituals of Shastra nobody can be a Sanyasi if he inwardly remains attached to sansar. Generally people think that whoever has abandon home and lives in jungle, live without fire, does not do any kriya and just perform meditation is Yogi but Lord Shri Krishna says that a Sadhak cannot be Yogi or Sanyasi only by performing above rules and rituals until he becomes free from the attachment inwardly and remain totally detached from the intentions of worldly desires from his mind CHITTNIRODH. If he can control his mind, he can achieve various accomplishments but he cannot see the welfare. It means that being AKRIYA outwardly and following Sanyas cannot make a Sadhak free from the worldly obligation inwardly. A true yogi sanyasi does not depend on any outer object for his welfare.


The unification with Brahma i.e. Paramatma and inner self i.e. soul is the only way of self realization and to be free from the cycle of birth and death .When a true knowledgeable person acquires this BRAHMA GYAN , knowledge of eternity he himself becomes BRAHMA and enjoys the eternal ecstasy with Paramatma but generally we find that every yogi and Sanyasi when abandons sansar and lives in jungle , keep himself away from the family , turns back to sansar with a view to serving people because every human being feels 'The force of doing karma' constantly. No one can avoid doing karma i. e. remaining AKARMA. This force of doing karma does not allow any person to be steady and he cannot remain without doing any kriya. Hence we see that a Sadhak when abandons sansar goes to forest, come back to sansar and abandons his solitude as he fees the great instinct of doing karma for the welfare of people and he forgets his goal of self realization and he tries to perform various activities for the welfare of people and other livings on this earth.

If a Sadhak involves himself only in the karma for others' welfare LOKHITARTH KARMA inspired by the force of doing karma and does not expect anything in return in the form of power and strength, prosperity and wealth, name and fame; he could abandon the desire of doing karma selflessly and when he does karma only for others, he could be steady inwardly and 'THE FORCE ' of doing karma would be at rest and he could have achieve accomplishment in unification with Paramatma, the real substance.


If this sansar is the ultimate truth , we should experience it in the sleep also but we cannot feel our sansar when we are sleeping. Hence this sansar is an illusion. It is untruth as dream and it is useless as any mortal thing .Lord Shri Krishna says 'I am not in any livings and nothing exists within me'.

(Bhagavat Gita 9/4)



Hence sansar is fake .It is not separated from Paramatma. It seems as a separated because it is in the form of PRAKRUTI. Nothing can be implanted in anything .Everything can be real in its existence but because Brahma PRAN PURUSH lives with this PRAKRUTI, it creates illusion and hence we see it in the form of truth and reality. When Pran abandons body, we realize its falsity. This human body is full of Pride and attachment but to think this body as our own is not a fruit of our karma given by God. We think that this body and senses, mind and intellect, wealth and property, relation and sansar as ours and remain attached to sansar. A person when lives in home and enjoy his family life in GRYHASTHASHRAM, he thinks himself as a GRUHASTHA, a family man. When he abandons home, he thinks himself as Saint. When he abandons home his attachment to sansar and feelings of being a family man disappeared. In the same way when he shares his things with others and gives his property or things to other person, his attachment to that thing is vanished, It means that the Pride of ownership of things or body when occupied by death is abolished and attachment to persons and things disappeared when they are given to others in charity. It shows that Pride of ownership and attachment to sansar is created by us, they are not inbuilt as whatever is created bound to see destruction but truth is eternal. Truth never dies nor emerges from anything temporarily. It is omnipresent and eternal.

If sansar is truth of life it would be permanent and eternal. NABHAVO VIDHYATE SATA: and if sansar is not perishable and it is the truth of life or a reality as it is said in BHAGAVAT GITA NASATO VIDHYATE BHAVA: I (2/16)

The relation of perishable things cannot live long forever with any imperishable thing i. e. the real substance but when a person thinks sansar as truth, he involves himself in the Pride of ownership of persons and things. He remains attached to sansar. Hence he thinks sansar as the truth.

Then who is responsible for this relation with sansar?

Let's understand from our great God and GURU Lord SHRI Krishna... 

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