Chapter 30: The Twin Serpents

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When the Wild Kratts had flown to the peak of the Seat of Heaven to meet Dalamadur and Ashu Amadyura, they'd been expecting a large dragon, as many had told them of the supposedly "mountain-sized dragons who could carve out valleys", but had assumed those to be exaggerations of their size. They were proven very wrong.

They arrived early so that they could speak to and study the ancient dragons. When they got there they were greeted by an ear-splitting roar and two huge heads rising above the plateau. The earth shook with their combined voices.

"Welcome, Wild Kratts!"

Dalamadur and Ashu Amadyura were massive. Their teeth alone were the size of a full-grown man. According to the egyurasu of the Heavenly Palace, Dalamadur had carved an entire mount into the needle-sharp spire that was now Speartip Crag. And now they could see that that claim was very true.

Both were snake-like in build, with a pair of arms bound with iron muscle and claws that could slice the biggest tree in half with but a single stroke. A vent in the form of glowing red cracks adorned the chest of both dragons, expelling steam every once in a while. Their bodies were covered in hooked spines, with a pair of especially massive ones on their shoulders. A cluster of spines and two fearsome curved blades at the end of their tails formed a gruesome mix of a mace and axe.

Dalamadur's scales were a metallic gray and his spines were black, while his eyes were a bright red. His brother, Ashu Amadyura, had an identical build to him, but with a sandy hide, red-orange spines, and eyes of sky blue.

"H-hello," Jimmy squeaked out. Even with the aspect and power of a dragon, standing before these colossal titans was nerve-wracking.

"So the stuff about you guys being able to shatter mountains and the like is true after all," muttered Chris.

Dalamadur laughed. "Of course it is! Why then would such feats be recorded in the annals of history otherwise?"

"It's just that it's been kind of hard to take all the insane things you elders dragons do as being true. Some of the stuff in history books sound like fairy tales turned up to eleven," said Aviva.

Amadyura scoffed. "We were the ones who inspired so many of those very fairy tales. Why, then, would a lady be able to calm a tarrasque by mere prayer?"

"Aye, aye, aye, out of the way!"

Martin scrambled from his spot before Stormcrown could smash into him. The rest of their opponents followed after him. Frostfire nearly faceplanted into the ground.

"Ah, there they are! Now, Martin and Stormcrown shall duel first. The rest, wait upon the lower ledges so that no one gets struck by lightning," instructed Dalamadur.

Everyone quickly retreated to the lower ledges. Martin and Stormcrown took up positions at the opposite ends of the plateau. Amadyura had placed his enormous tail between them as a barrier.

"Are you both fully prepared?"

The human and ancestral dragon nodded.

"Very well then." Amadyura lifted his tail. "The duel shall commence!"

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