Chapter 32: Rising Storm

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"Have you gotten any progress in convincing the government to hand them over?" Martin asked.

The dragons had called up a meeting with the Wild Kratts discuss the missing wyverns' case. The villains had been discovered outside of the lands of the kingdom, so they were forced to negotiate with the human government on how to deal with them. As of their last meeting, they hadn't been allowed to arrest them yet. Martin personally suspected that their combined wealth had a hand in that.

"Finally, yes. But not because of their crimes. No. Apparently they are coming back. They have said that we are allowed to do whatever we wish once they set foot on our soil again," said Oroshi. He was the head diplomat of the government and the one saddled with the most responsibility in foreign matters.

"But why would they come back?" Aviva looked more nervous than she had ever been.

"I do not know. Neither do they. I suspect that it is because they think that they can hide behind their money and foreign law," snarled the ice phantom beast. His ears stuck straight up and his clawed hooves scraped against the stone floor.


"Wild Kratts, get over here! We need to go to Blackcliff, right now!" Valstrax shouted.

Martin charged out of the Tortuga. "What's wrong?"

"The city is under siege! By the businessmen!"

Martin cursed under his breath and ran back into the Tortuga, shaking Jimmy awake. "We need to get to Blackcliff now! The villains are trying to destroy the city!"

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