Chapter 33: Season Unending

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When they arrived at Blackcliff, riding on the back of Valstrax, the city seemed mostly empty. The ones in charge of evacuation had done their job well. The only ones still in Blackcliff were city guards.

Paisley Paver was tearing down buildings, even houses, and paving over them. Valstrax snarled in disgust as they slid off his back.

"Curse them! May the Sapphire Star hurl them into oblivion!"

"Come on you guys! We don't have a lot of time!" Chris pulled a red scale and an orange disk from his pocket.

They all activated their suits. Martin, Chris, Aviva, and Jimmy took off into the air and Koki sprinted across the ground, fire flying behind her, all lead by Valstrax.

Koki smashed pavers and Chris blew them up. Aviva sliced robots to ribbons and Jimmy created massive golems to combat the colossal robots that were too large to be physically fought. Martin was raining lightning bolts down on every machine in sight, rending those that survived with his claws. Even thought the suits were, to varying degrees, inferior to true elder dragons, they were still powerful enough to lay a small city to waste.

All the while Valstrax was firing explosive blasts of Dragon, either shutting machines down via Dragonblight or simply reducing them to scrap.

At one point Gourmand and Dabio came out, seemingly to fight them.

"Are they asking for their own deaths now?" scoffed Valstrax.

Martin shrugged. "They tend to be pretty overconfident."

Valstrax dove down from the sky, crashing into the earth and roaring. "Looking for a fight, I see? Well, you shall get one!"

The dragon lunged forward, slamming the sharp point of one of his wings into the ground. Dabio just barely avoided being impaled. Gourmand started shooting sticky dough at him, which Valstrax quickly burned off. The dragon retaliated by blasting the chef with Dragon. Gourmand scurried off before the blasts could hit him.

Once the dust settled Valstrax and the Wild Kratts looked around. Part of the city had been paved over, and in the haze of combat, the villains had gotten away. They quickly went to work breaking up the pavement, pounding it into fine gravel. They worked well into the night, but eventually the task was completed.

"What do we do now?" Chris looked around. "They might try to flee back to somewhere we can't get them."

"We'll get them eventually. We'll convince the human governments to hand them over," said Valstrax. "After all, they have tried to destroy one of our cities. This shall be the start of season unending."

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