Chapter 34: Lord Ibushi and Lady Narwa

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Ibushi smiled happily down upon the peaceful figure of his sleeping wife. Tomorrow was the anniversary of... however many hundreds of thousands of years had passed since they had gotten married.

He lay down upon their bed, letting out a happy, lovestruck sigh at the thought of tomorrow's anniversary, and what he had planned for them.


"Son, me and your mother are going out for the day. Can you stay in the house until we come back?"

"Yes, Father!" chirped the young dragon. Cirrus was a young lad, but quite responsible for his age and a cheerful fellow.

"Good." Ibushi kissed his son on the forehead and hugged him tight, then letting go and patting his shoulder before turning to leave.


Narwa sighed happily as she leaned her head on Ibushi's shoulder. In return he wrapped his arms around her body, talons gently but protectively laying over her pregnant belly. She had conceived another baby, a surprise child this time, and they had opted to not find out its gender, choosing instead to be surprised.

"Remember when you proposed to me?"

Ibushi grinned. "Perfectly. We were standing right here, on this very mountain, when I pulled out the ring, knelt down..." he giggled, "and nearly choked on my own saliva asking you if you wanted to marry me."

Narwa giggled and turned to kiss his jaw. Ibushi caught her chin and lightly pressed his lips to hers. She squirmed around to face him and snaked his arms around her neck, pulling him closer.


"Son? Son, we're home!" Ibushi called out.

Usually Cirrus would come bounding down the stairs and tackle both his parents in a giant hug, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Cirrus? Son?"

No answer. The inside of the house had been trashed, as if a powerful gale had swept through the place.

The two dragons went through the house, becoming more and more frantic the longer they couldn't find him.

"Cirrus? Cirrus! CIRRUS!"


"And-and he was just GONE!" wailed the golden-yellow dragon. A blue dragon, her husband, tried to console her, but was barely keeping himself together.

The two dragons had showed up at the Heavenly Palace and introduced themselves as Lord Ibushi and Lady Narwa, the serpents of wind and thunder.

Safi'jiiva snarled, his eyes changing from gold to blue. "I have no doubt that it was those meddling businessmen."

Teostra raised a scaly brow. "But how? Even young elder dragons can inflict great damage upon the unwary."

"Tranquilizers, Teostra. Put the dragon to sleep, and then carry him off. Three of the four are wealthy and could most certainly afford a truckload of them."

"Still, even if Cirrus was drugged, I doubt the effect would last for long."

Guanzorumu, who had been silent all this time, slamming a massive first into the cold stone floor, drawing all eyes to him.

"First, the kidnapping of eight young wyverns. Then, the taking of an entire town's children. And now, the abduction of a young dragon. Clearly, they have larger plans here. And if they planned to kidnap an elder dragon, even a young one, for their schemes, then us dragons shall step in. We will destroy their planes, tear apart their machines, and lay waste to everything that gave them power. No mercy will be spared to them. Once I am done with them, they shall have nothing left."

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