Chapter 16: The Warning of Archangel Uriel

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Safi'jiiva's lip curled in disgust as he read the report of the businessmen that had come into the kingdom. One of them, a short woman with platinum blonde hair wearing spectacles had nearly paved over villages without care as to the inhabitants multiple times. She was driven away by guards. Another created mechanical men who could freeze men, animals, and monsters alike with some sort of purple light.

This is likely exactly what Archangel Uriel had warned us about, he thought. Guanzorumu had sent a letter to Mizutsune telling her to choose a date as to when to bring these "Wild Kratts", as they seemingly called themselves, to his palace so that he may explain to them the message sent by the great angel.

He knew that they were unlikely to believe them at first. Even confronting them with clear supernatural evidence likely wouldn't convince them. While the human capacity for denial had saved the monsters from being discovered many times, now it would just make things harder than ever. If a monster ever exhibited that level of denial, they would be probably be sent to an insane asylum.

He placed down the report, having finished it, and decided to take a flight over the northern cities near border of the frontier lands.


Ah, this feels much better.

Safi'jiiva drew in a deep breath, breathing in the cool night air, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through his spines and under his wings. Even millennia later, the joy of soaring through the sky was never lost on him.

Come to think of it, I should probably search out the aircraft those businessmen used to travel here.

He flew up into the clouds to conceal himself, then flew to the last location that he'd seen those aircraft. He'd been keeping tabs on them for a while now and knew what they all looked like. He'd found a large blue-green turtle-like ship a couple hundred miles from Dragonsreach. This, he reasoned, belong to the Wild Kratts, as it hadn't moved from its location since landing there and that the Wild Kratts were living in Dragonsreach.

Safi'jiiva landed atop a rocky hill that overlooked the plain where the aircraft had first landed. They were still there. His lip curled at one that had a large, bulky body and narrow wings that was painted completely back and grey, saving for a large red "V" on the back.

The ground beneath him shifted, loosened, and seemed to become almost liquid, before Shara Ishvalda, an earth singing dragon or everwyrm, rose from the ground, the earth becoming firm again once he had fully emerged.

"Shara Ishvalda!" Safi'jiiva eagerly shook Shara's hand. "Where were you all this time?"

"Watching for the enemies of the brothers who wield the powers of nature," replied the everwyrm.

Shara Ishvalda had refused to participate the Great Dragon War, as not only would he wreck mass destruction with his powers, but he also had a Rider. He and his Rider had gone into hiding for their safety, a wise choice on their part, as Shara's Rider was one of the few who survived the war. His Rider had sadly passed away only two hundred years after the war's end.

Safi'jiiva grew sorrowful as he thought of Redan, the first Rider, who's monster companion was none other than Versa Pietru, the White Dragon of Hope. The former, despite being blessed with an extremely long life, never got to enjoy it as he died in the war. Versa died after the war with no explanation, which was odd as dragons were immortal and immune to all natural ailments, but it was commonly thought that the noble dragon had died of a broken heart, for the two were as close as Rider and monster could be.

The Sapphire Star had bestowed upon Shara a very special power, one that had never been given to any other monster or man. It was a holy, cleansing fire that could remove the Black Blight from monsters. He had been an invaluable ally during the attack of Makili Pietru, as there were no Riders left by that time and the last king of Schrade had ordered all the Kinship ores to be destroyed.

"What is to be done about these fools?" Shara asked.

"We must tread carefully. Guanzorumu has only just begun negotiations with humans. This may be our only chance to reconcile with humanity. We can't screw this up. If we do, then it may well be over," said Safi'jiiva.

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