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Rafe. Fucking. Cameron.
Douchebag. Entitled prick.
I wanna kill the dude sometimes.
For one, he choked Kie. He insulted her.
He also shot Peterkin.
Well, guess what! Here I was.
My body was uncontrollable. I couldn't hear the worried screams of kooks in the background.
Rafe's head continued to thrash backward from the impact of my hits.
His face was drenched in blood.

What was wrong with me?
Why do I feel the need to hurt?
To be fair, the prick deserved every single punch.

I was thinking about John b.
I missed him. So, so much.
My vision became blurry.
I could feel myself breaking apart.
Tears were rushing down my face.
My screams could be heard throughout the entire island.
"Fuck!!! Fuck!!!!!"

I was pulled off of Rafe against my will.
Topper was cursing at me, while Kelce had me in a headlock.

"You gonna do something about it, little bitch? You mad that I hit your fucking boyfriend?"

Kelce didn't say a word, but my insults had clearly ticked off Topper. I tasted blood with every hit he took on me.
But I liked it.
I was feeling something.

"Stupid, fucking pogue!! Why don't you take that gun of yours and point it to yourself instead? Huh?"

His taunts just made me laugh, as I forced myself to not groan in pain in front of them.

After giving me a pretty good defeat, Kelce let my limp body drop to the ground. The sand felt hard against my open wounds.

"Stop picking fights in places you don't belong in. Go to hell." And with that, he hocked a loogie, and spat on my face.

"Oh, trust me, I'll be see you mean girls again soo-"
A giant, fucking blood clot dropped out of my throat mid sentence. My voice felt rough and grainy.


I could barely lift myself off the ground. My stomach felt empty as fuck. I couldn't even see.
The worst part is, I felt the urge to feel even more pain.
This wasn't enough.
Fuck. I promised Kiara I wouldn't do any of that.
Everyone had left the party at this point. Ocean waves were rolling quietly down the shore, washing the blood out.
The salt cleaned my wounds. It stung like a bitch, but I couldn't move, anyway. My limbs hurt too much.
Now, I just felt stupid. I missed my best friend. I needed him here. I loved Pope and Kie, but I had known John b since the third grade. He was my dude. Always had my back.
So I let myself cry.
I HATED crying.
I felt like a little baby.
My dad always told me if I wanted to be a real man, I should never let myself cry. Never let out any emotion.
I'm starting to see what he meant.
Every sob ached throughout my entire body. I swear one of my ribs felt fucking cracked.
Suddenly, I had an epiphany.
I don't know if it was the blood rushing to my brain, or the salt water basically drowning me.
There's no way John b can be dead right now.

And I was going to go find him.



The blunt would never be as good as JJ's, but it would do.
Pope had some studying to finish. He was just as worried about JJ as I was; but he had a funny way of showing it.
The smoke was filling my lungs. I felt my eyes go heavy. I started giggling to myself.

"Ha. Everyone here is stupid. This island is stupid."

I spread my arms across the hammock, and let my legs hang off the sides.
It was about... actually, I had no fucking idea what time it was. But the sky was dark.
I snuck out about a few hours ago. Good thing my parents didn't put a lock on my window.
I began to cough. Like, I couldn't stop. My throat began to hurt. My memories all started coming back at once. Everything.
What was happening? How fucking strong was this blunt??
Oh god.
Oh no.
No, no, no.
A certain memory had returned.
A memory I had been trying to remember and forget at the same time.
Everything came rushing back.
(Kiara's POV, during the flashback)

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