Panic pt. 2

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very long chapter y'all. buckle up, it's one hell of a ride.


I trip a few times, and kick pockets of sand in my wake. I run so damn fast, I feel like a roadrunner.

I hear Rafe grunting right behind me.

"Maybank! You can't run forever!!"

His voice sounds fucking evil. It's hard to see. Did I point out that it was pitch black outside?

Fuck, my legs begin to cramp. It feels like my hamstring's been torn. Think, JJ. Would you rather be shot in the head, or have a small, little broken wound?
Yeah. Second option's looking better right now.

I still hear some people shrieking in the distance. I wonder where Pope and Ki have gone.

"I'm gonna kill you!" His voice is thundering and carries across the echoey beach.

I turn a corner, and have a quick peek behind me. Rafe raises his gun, and I duck just in time. The bullet almost grazes my hair. The sound makes me jump and It's loud as hell.

I stumble back up and dash for John b's as a painful stitch makes my rib cramp. If I was going to die, I didn't want Rafe to have the last word. Or the last shot. Whatever you call it.

He chases me until I'm hiding behind the tree.
John b's tree.

Where we engraved a heart with his name and death date.

Somehow, even though it can't help me, I feel safe. I feel like my buddy's watching over me, if that makes sense.

There's a painful moment of silence- I can't hear any footsteps or gunshots.
Me being the king of stupid decisions, I slowly peek my head out from behind the large trunk. I feel my lips tremble in fear.

As expected, Rafe stands like a fucking serial killer with the gun raised, pointing toward my forehead. He pulls the trigger, which is followed by a horrible loud noise. I duck back behind the tree just in time.

The bullet goes through the bark.

I hear him curse at himself.

I hear another pair of footsteps.

"Rafe! Get the fuck away from JJ!"




You know the feeling when you regret something immediately after you do it?

That's how I feel right about now.

My hands are trembling. My legs feel like jelly and I think I'll collapse at any second. I try to swallow the growing lump in the back of my throat.

Rafe glares at me, scornful and indignant. His eyes look like dark metal, and I cant see his pupils. The weird thing is; it looks like they've changed color. They used to be bright blue.

It's almost like the evil inside of him is trying to claw its way out.

He leans his head back, and a wide grin pulls at his face. He begins to chuckle, which turns into a bigger laugh. I steal a glance toward JJ's direction. He's gripping onto the tree so hard, it looks like it could snap. His eyebrows are creased and his eyes are widened.

He's staring at me like I'm absolutely insane.

"You know, I would've already killed you. But you're too hot to die" he sneers, his nose crinkling.

I glance at JJ, who looks like he's about to explode. His face is red and he's covered in sweat. He's gawking at Rafe like he's going to snap his neck in half.

I shake my head, subtle, so he knows to keep his mouth shut. He maintains eye contact for a good 7 seconds.

My entire body goes numb when I catch Rafe in my peripheral vision, cocking the gun and putting a finger on the trigger.



I have only a sliver of time to think.

Rafe is about to kill the girl I've been in l-

"It wouldn't be the best idea if you move" he mutters, stepping toward Kiara, holding the gun up high. She almost trips trying to back away.

Fuck. Fuck it. I can't take it anymore.

My legs take control, and I sprint in front of him. I reach for the gun, but my hand slips and I  end up grabbing his arm instead.

Rafe and I topple to the ground, hands at each other's necks. I take a peek at my hand, which is drenched in blood.

I slowly start to lose conscious. But I see the gun a few feet away from me, lying there. Just waiting for someone's life to slip away tonight.

I use the last of my strength, one hand keeping Rafe from biting my head off, the other reaching for the weapon.

I grip the handle, and shoot him in the ankle. He yells out in pain, and rolls over while tightly gripping his leg. He grits his teeth and I can see the veins in his neck pop out.

I look up, and I see Kiara, holding her hip. Trying to prevent blood from spewing out.

No. No.

I wasn't fucking fast enough.

"Kia-" I try to speak, and she collapses.

I force myself up, running over to her.

"I'm okay, I'm oka-" she coughs. I pick her up bridal style, putting one hand on her chest.

"Kiara!!" Pope runs over, holding one hand on his head to prevent his hat from flying off. "Oh my god. Oh my god. JJ, what-"

Even though she's still awake, I start to weep softly.

"If you leave me, I'm going to fucking kill you. You understand me?" I shake her shoulders gently, before holding her face with both of my hands. "I can't lose you. I fucking can't-" she stares up at me, grabbing my wrist. She looks determined. Not even scared. My hands are big over her face. I wipe a strand of her hair off of her cheek.

But it kills me once I see the tears pricking at her eyes.

"JJ- She's going to be okay. She will" Pope whispers the last part to himself, and I can hear the pain in his voice.
"I'm going to bring around the Twinkie; We've got to bring her to the hospital- fuck, your hand!"

I catch a glimpse at my hand, my sight blurred by the tears. All I see is dark red. "You think I care about my hand right now? Let's get the fucking car!!" My voice feels raspy and used up.

Pope nods quickly, and we start running.

"Don't fucking die. You cannot fucking die." I whisper to myself, adjusting Kiara so she's hung over my shoulder.

"JJ- I'm good. I'm good. It didn't go through me. Just a graze-" Ki moves her arms so they're around my neck.

I don't know what I'll do if Kiara dies.

Or Pope.

If they all end up dying,

I know I'm not staying here on this earth.

All alone.

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