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Kiara had given me her earphones. I was listening to some song by Phantogram. Music calmed me down temporarily. Made the angry demon inside hibernate for a while.

Pope was the one driving the boat. We had just left a few hours ago, and the weather was already clear. Only a few clouds in the sky.
I knew Kie didn't mean to lead me on- but she kinda did anyway.
The last thing I'd ever want to do, is cause any pain for her or Pope. But, the way she started returning my flirty comments, tore at my heart a little; my mind felt twisted. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know how I should approach the situation again.

God. If John b's dumbass never went missing, things would have never gotten this perplexing. I felt a spare blunt in my back pocket. It was small, but it would do the job for a while.
Using my thumb, I flipped open my lighter. My initials were engraved on the front. No one would ever take it away from me; it was mine.
I lit the joint, inhaling the smoke. It consumed my lungs. A cough escaped my throat.
I turned to face Kie, who's eyes were closed. She looked peaceful. Her arms were folded across her chest, and her hair was lightly flowing in motion with the wind. Sheesh. She looked so hot.

I pulled the earbuds out, clumping them in a knot and stuffing them in my pocket. I'd give them back to her later.

"Want a hit?" I made sure to lower my voice, so I wouldn't scare the girl awake.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she immediately smiled.

"Gimme that."

She reached for the blunt, taking it between her pointer and middle finger. While making dangerous eye contact, I lit the end for her. She lowered her head, staring at me through her eyebrows, eyes darkening. I couldn't help my smirk. I have a love hate relationship with the situation we're in. I just hope I wouldn't get hard again.

"Yo, where are we going again? It feels like I've been steering this thing for days." Pope looked back at us, hands on the wheel.

"Well, we know the gold was being shipped to Nassau. It's not too far from here; we should probably start by heading there." Kiara said matter of fact-ly, before coughing.

I made eye contact with her. She was staring at me a different way, this time; it was filled with desire. Shit, what was happening?

"I don't know...are you sure the gold was actually shipped there?" Pope sounded unconvinced. The impact of the wind made his shirt flow upwards.

"Yeah. I'm sure. Where else would they be?"





Pope turned around. His eyes were no longer filled with warmth.

"I've been thinking, y'know. What if we're lying to ourselves because of the trauma? What if we want to believe they're alive and well, but in reality, they're probably rotting in the bottom of the ocean?"

JJ got up quickly, his fists beginning to tighten.

"C'mon, man. Don't be like that. Not right now." He spoke steadily.

"I'm just being the smart one, here. I think we're going to get ourselves into more trouble, at this point."

"Pope, you agreed to this! What's your deal?" I yelled, my heart beating faster and faster.

Pope released his grip from the wheel, and spun around.

"My deal, is that you've been up JJ's asshole this entire time, and I've said nothing about it! didn't want to, Kie. You don't even act like my girlfriend. I tried to convince myself that he was just flirting with you. But you know what I think?" He stepped toward me, pointing his finger in my face.

The Bends - JJ x KiaraWhere stories live. Discover now