He knows

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Just like that, Gavin's dead.

Poor bastard.

My hand is still on Kiara's lips and my other arm is around her shoulders. She peers into my eyes with terror. The rain made her clothes stick to her curves and her shirt was slightly see through.

I'd be lying to myself right now if I said I wasn't gonna jerk off to this scenario later.

I nod quickly, slowly releasing my hand from Kie's mouth. I give her a thumbs up, and we look over the edge of the wall. Ward is running through the flooded street, as he searches the area, hysterical.

Pope shakes me by the shoulder. "Dude. We gotta get that gun."

"Jesus, dude. Are you getting this?" I chuckle in excitement and a little bit of fear.

"Enough to put this asshole away for life." He mutters, adjusting his grip on the handle.

"Where's the gun?" I whisper, and getting no response except a shoulder shrug from Pope.

We watch; stalker like and all, as Ward frantically loses himself searching for what we believe is the weapon.

"Look," Pope murmurs, pointing toward the sewage system. "It's gonna fall-"

Ward trips and water splashes everywhere, as the gun slips right through the sewage bars.

"Goddamnit!!" He bellows into the night, bending over and pounding the ground with his fists, sending splashes everywhere.

"We need to get that gu-"

"Murderer!!" Kiara shrieks, trying to lift herself over the wall. I grab her by the waist and pull her down. She stares irritatingly into my eyes.

"What the fuck, Kie? Do you want us to get fucking murdered?" I seethe, as I grit my teeth together.

"He's evil!!" She whisper yells, pointing toward the scene. "I don't care if he hears us. He's a murderer!!"

"Yeah, and he's gonna murder us, Kie!!" I take my hat off and run my fingers through my hair.

"Guys?" Pope sounds out of breath. "Guys. Ward's coming. He fucking heard us-"

"Go, go, go!" I reach for the iron bar ladder and begin my descent after Pope, who goes first. I'm about to climb down another bar, but Kiara's foot makes a painful contact with my hand.

"Motherfu-" I lose balance and kick Pope in what I think is his head. We all fall harshly to the ground, tasting the petrichor and wet leaves of the earth. Kie's hand is on my upper thigh as she pushes down and tries to get up. Thank fuck she didn't hear my accidental moan.

Jesus, what's my problem? Y'know what- not my fault she got a little too close there. She almost woke my boy up.

"No, no, no..." Pope mutters, rummaging like a maniac through the dirt and mud, picking up broken pieces of his camera.

"JJ, what the hell?" He snaps, as I point defensively to Kiara.

"She stepped on my hand!" I hiss, eyes squinting in anger.

"I was trying to hurry!!" Kie whispers, as the three of us jump at the sound of a 4th set of footsteps.

"Fuck. Run!!" I yell, as we sprint for our lives, not looking back.



"Look, kids. I don't know what you expect me to do with this information. You said you lost the footage?"

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