Smoke signal

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(John b)

I feel pieces of myself breaking apart, into tiny minuscule parts. Gone. Tossed into the deep blue.

I hoped so badly we would work out together. I hoped so badly that it didn't have to end like this.

I bury my face in my hands, holding back a large sob. The rain quietly patters down on my clothing, so I'm soaking.

I lift my head upwards, trying to make out the world through sad, blurred eyes. I don't think I've felt such a big loss since my Dad left me here. Alone.

The beach used to be a calming place for me; it used to make me forget about how fucked up this world is. And how fucked up my life had gotten.

But now, it's a fearful place. I sit pathetically in the drenched sand, heavy like a weight. I think I might die. Will I? What would that be like?

The rain and the beach aren't the worst part, though.

It's that the only girl I've fallen so hard for, that I would take a bullet for...

Is now out of my reach. From the world.




I watched as JJ unscrews the top of the flask and begins to guzzle down its contents. He lets out a burp and wipes his mouth with the back of his wrist before leaning forward, the alcohol in hand.

"Thanks," I say, taking a swig, noticing how he watches me closely through my peripheral vision.

He begins to hum a little melody before growing silent.

I peer down at his knuckles and wrists, covered in bruises. Why does that keep happening to him? I feel like I'm the one who's supposed to protect him. I don't know why, and I couldn't explain the feeling... but he really didn't have anyone else besides Pope and me.

"I just kinda wanted to chill, y'know," he whispers. "Pretend like life doesn't exist for a bit."

I hum in response. We always find ourselves coming back to the beach. I guess it's an unspoken area of comfort for the both of us. This beach was John b's beach.

It was right in front of his chateau. It was small; but it felt like home. I came here right after Sarah and I had our big fight. It felt normal. Peaceful.

I steal a glance at JJ, who's hair is blowing swiftly in the gentle breeze.

"Jayge." I mutter, and he looks at me with expectant eyes.



So this is what's happening, I guess.

We're both sitting across from one another in John b's old hammock. I had to get on first and I almost face planted into the dirt. Fun times.
It's gotten pretty dark out. The moon reflects across the ocean. It captivates me. Holy fuck, it really captivates me.

"I miss him." She whispers hoarsely, eyes gleaming with tears. She's picking at the friendship bracelets around her wrists; a habit I'd noticed she's been doing for a while.

I let out a sigh, running my hands over the back of my neck. She doesn't even need to say his name for me to know who she's talking about.

"I feel like I've just gone numb at this point, y'know?" I mumble, forcing a weak chuckle. Kiara doesn't return it.

"You don't need to make jokes out of it, J." She leans across the creaking hammock and touches my shoulder, and I tense. "It's okay to talk about it."

Now my hand's on her shoulder. "What if I told you, I wanted you to talk to me?" I say, raising my eyebrows. "You never really speak about his death. I was starting to think it didn't matter to you, 'cuz you moved on so fast. Like a manwhore going through 10 girls in one night."

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