Desire Pt. 1

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Kiara's hair pricks her lightly in the face, sending her eyes watering and making her face turn crimson from the impact of the wind.

"Pope!!" Her voice breaks and she feels it grow smaller, attempting to swallow a lump growing at the back of her throat.

She places her hands atop the mossy stone wall and effortlessly swings herself over. JJ tries not to have his gaze linger for longer than it has to.

He mimics her movements, swifter but a bit less graceful than her longer limbs. He chews down on the corner of his cheek, lip twisting downward in worry and panic.

JJ doesn't want Kie to forget about what had happened in the car. He doesn't want her to dwell on what happened and hate his guts; but to be fair, he was pretty pissed himself.

But he also hated that he couldn't be pissed at her for long because of how much he cared for her. More than he thought his body could handle.

'Fuck,' he thought. 'This is why I hate emotions.'

He hated the way her voice stayed within him merely hours after they'd spoken. He hated the way her smile lifted up her cheeks, her eyebrows raising and her bellowing laugh.

Most of all, he despised how little of a chance he had with her.

Kie stumbles across the fight, Pope getting a punch to the eye while trying to hold the man away from him. The same man who had been answering the door earlier, everyone thought.
She uses all of her strength to send a kick into his nuts, having him coughing and stumbling to the ground, giving Pope the advantage to uppercut punch him in the cheek.

JJ arrives a few seconds late, going for a running jump and his toned, thick arms coil around the man's neck, giving Pope and some time to buy.

The man uses his head and launches backward, sending head trauma to JJ. His grip releases from him, as he falls to the ground and the man gains the upper hand.



I'm just full of bad ideas, aren't I?

I'm trying to hold my arms over my face so he can't hit me too bad. But this feels all too familiar; from when I can open my eye for a split sec, all I see is my Dad; and not this fuckin' stranger.

The taste of iron fills my mouth. I make sure to spit to the side so I don't choke on my own blood like some pussy that I'm not. I won't go like this.

"Pussies don't cry. And you're not a pussy, son. You better 'member that."

He had thrown his empty beer can against the wall before muttering something he thought I wouldn't be able to hear; but, I did.

"Damn you, Daisy. Damn you."

That was the first time he'd ever mentioned mom's name in front of me. And it never happened again.

Dad's words had been haunting me ever since he's said them. I was about a day over seven.

I don't think Kie's processed the fact that I'd ran after her; because once that pretty neck of hers spins around and her eyes meet mine, an expression shows up that I'm unable to read.


"Shit, shit, shit." JJ thinks to himself, mind wandering right and left frantically, hoping neither of his friends would get hurt. He would be willing to risk nothing but himself for them.

He tries to stray his thoughts from how distorted his face was going to seem after this beating. Instead, he transports himself.

He imagines lying on the hammock, smoking a blunt with John b by his side.

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