3 : w a l k

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Jihoon remembered how it has been a habit that they wave, see you again tomorrow, to each other before separating ways. He remembered the smiles that lingered until they both went home to their houses. He remembered the talks that could go on for hours and would replay it in his mind until the next day they see each other. It has been like that every single afternoon, not until the day came where Seungcheol refuses to wait another day to see Jihoon again.

It has been the same casual routine for both of them that has been happening for a month or almost two. Jihoon bid his see you again to Seungcheol and so did he. Jihoon was the first to walk away from them because if he remembered correctly, it would take 15 minutes or so before they go home because of too much see you again's.

He was almost half his way to his house when he saw a beautiful man with jet black hair walking next to him. Seungcheol was right beside him. He slowed down his pace and called out to him, 

"Cheol." He muttered the nickname he has gotten used to calling him. Seungcheol could only smile at him and say,

"Let me take you home, Ji." He said as he looked into his orbs deeply. "Everyday."

Jihoon swore to himself before that he would never fall for such lines in his life that he hears and reads in television series and novels. However, he didn't know that when he encountered one, his heart would flutter again for no sudden reason.

Jihoon remembered thinking to himself at that time that maybe he has fallen deeply with Seungcheol but that fast? He remembered how he talks to his pillow and kept asking it questions he knew the pillow would never answer. How is it that Seungcheol could make his heart flutter easily when everyone else couldn't? Was his sudden appearance to his life that special that every little thing Seungcheol does make his heart want to screech into a high note? 

He remembered how he sat on his bed whilst looking out the window about what this foreign feeling maybe? He remembered how he threw out the thought that maybe he likes Seungcheol and that he was just sick but how could he be sick everyday? 

He remembered how he cursed himself and thought, "Shit. I think I like him."

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