2. Traitor?!

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"Reading" - All Might / Yelling


Izuku: "traitor?! What do you mean?!"

Ochako: "we saw what you did traitor!!"

Izuku looked, shocked at his girlfriend. He starts to cry.

Izuku: "O-O-Ochako? W-what do y-you mean? D-don't you believe m-me?"

Ochako: "no! I was right to stop loving you, Lida is 100% better."

At this moment, izuku's world stopped. His heart broke and his breath hitched.

Izuku: *voice cracking* "W-what do yo m-mean? P-please don't
b-be what I think I-it is..."

Ochako: "of course I mean that! He is my new boyfriend after all."

Izuku's tears stop and he looks at Lida with an empty stare.

Izuku: "is this true, Lida?"

Lida: "*scoff* of course it is, who'd want to be ina relationship with someone who nearly kills themselves every other day!"

Ochako nods and walks towards Lida, she wraps her arms around his neck and he holds her waist. gives him a kiss on the lips, which he returns. Lida looks at Izuku's heart broken face and laughs.

Lida: "you didn't actually think she liked you, did you?"

The class, as angry as they were for Izuku for betraying them, looked at him with pity. Izuku fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. But the weird thing was that he wasn't making a noise, as if he was mute.

Lida: "alright, thats enough Ochako. HEROES, HE'S OVER HERE!"

5 heroes here his call, these were: All Might, Eraserhead, Nezu, Midnight and Endeavour.

As the heroes arrive, they see a broken izuku, crying on the floor.

Aizawa: 'somethings not right here'

Nezu: "Izuku Midoriya, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Izuku looked at them with broken eyes as he croaked out an answer.

Izuku: "it wasn't me..."

Endeavour: "then who was it brat? There are many witnesses of the stunt you just pulled!"

All Might shook his head.

AM: "It seems like I chose wrong, young Midoriya."

The hulking man slowly walked over to him. Izuku looked up at him in fear and desperation.

Izuku: "All Might, n-not you t-too."

AM: "I'll be taking back what's mine, Traitor."

He plucked a hair from Izuku's head and ate it. The boy could feel One for All's power seep out of him, leaving only an ember of its once intimidating presence.

Izuku was devastated, the power that he was deemed worthy for, trained for, nearly died for... gone in a quick moment. If it wasn't for the fact that he still had his mother, he would've ended his life there. Izuku remembered something that he realised long ago, not all men are created equal: some thrive in the glory and fame, whilst some flicker and die in the darkness. This is unfair, The world is unfair. His normal shy and cheerful exterior, now replaced with a cold and emotionless.

Izuku: *sharp* "so what now? Tartarus?"

The class was shocked, the class 1–A cinnamon roll had now turned cold and mad. It was a total 180 of his usual behaviour.

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