3. Arrival at tartarus

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"Reading" - All Might / Yelling


In the police car, there is an awkward silence. Although Izuku was quite comfortable, Nezu was nervously fiddling with his... hands? Paws? Anyway, the rodent looked back at Izuku and asked him a simple question.

Nezu: "why?"

Izuku: "why what?"

Nezu: "why did you betray us? You had so much potential."

Izuku: *sigh* "I've answered that already, I didn't. You're supposed to be the greatest mind on the planet, figure it out."

Nezu: "that's it. I'm the smartest being on earth and I can't even think of a single reason why. My mind says that you are the traitor, but every cell of my body screams the opposite, I don't know what you are.

Izuku: "you'll figure it out Nezu. Just remember though, you're on my neutral list at the moment, don't lose my trust."

The police car stops and Izuku exits it with a neutral face. He walks up to the prison gates and faces the guards. The guards are surprised that someone so young is here, and he's with the principle of UA, he must have done something serious. They look at Nezu and speak politely.

Guard 1: "greetings principle Nezu. do you wish to speak with the warden?"

Nezu: "yes please. Can you be quick aswell, it's an urgent matter.

Guard 2: "of course sir."

The guard runs off and leaves Nezu, Izuku and the other guard. The other guard wants to start a conversation.

Guard 1: "so... how old are you kid?"

Izuku: "15, I'm 16 in a few months"

The guard was surprised. a kid at his age, going into prison? And with the monotone voice, it sounds like there has been some damage to his emotional well-being.

After a few more minutes of small talk, the guard came back, but this time with a woman who looked like she was in her mid 40's. She had long black hair and piercing grey eyes, complimented by her hourglass figure and pale skin, All in all, she was very beautiful. The woman looked Izuku up and down then looked at Nezu.

Warden: "Is this the kid you mentioned Nezu? He doesn't look like a villain, He's a teen. He has a lot of life left in him, does he really have to die?"

The guards look at her in shock. Die? Just who is this kid?

Nezu: "I assure you Usayaki, all the evidence points this way. As much as I hate to say it, he's a criminal and he needs to be brought to justice."

Usayaki: *sigh* "ok then Nezu, you can leave now."

Nezu: "ok, thank you for taking him off my hands."

The chimera walked away and got back into the car. as they drove away, Usayaki looked at Izuku.

Usayaki: "alright, as you know, I'm the leader of this place. My name is hanito Usayaki, but you can just call me boss. We have one rule here at Tartarus, don't mess with the boss, you hear me?"

Izuku keeps his blank face and nods.

Usayaki: "good, now, I don't care what you animals do to each other, as long as you don't mess with me or my men, we'll be fine. Now, I want you to tell me your name, age, quirk, and reason for being here."

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