7. training and USJ... again

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"Reading" - All Might / Yelling


It had been half an hour since Izuku's classmates had left and now he and technoblade were talking about their favourite weapon.

Izuku: "the axe has a longer reach and has a good momentum but the bow is a versatile weapon, it is a long range for shooting and short range for just hitting them."

Techno: "well yes, but that being said, the axe does better critical damage and has better durability."

Izuku: "ok, that is true but we have both forgotten the fishing rod."

Techno: "ah yes, the almighty rod. How could I forget?"

Izuku: "so, anyways, what training am I gonna do?"

Techno: "everything. You're gonna be an entirely new person by the end of it. It's gonna be hell."

Techno smiled like Aizawa and Izuku gulped.

Izuku:: 'oh, Shit. Not good.'

Techno: "but what about your
ex-classmates, are you gonna forgive them?"

Izuku: "hmm... I dunno. Maybe. All depends on how they react when I come back actually."

Techno: "alright, that's good. So now, without further ado, let's get to training."

1st month:

Techno had made izuku a rigorous training programme:

500 push ups
500 sit ups
500 squats
50 km run
All with 200 kg weights on everyday

At first, it was hell, but after a week or so, he got used to it. Technoblade was a ruthless teacher, almost as bad as gran Torino's teaching back in his first year.

2nd month:

He had been continuously doing the training regimen and his strength, endurance and speed had been raised by 400%. Techno had been pleased by this and had now been referring to him as izuku and not 'kid' or 'casual'.

He had been taught the basics of swordplay and had added tree felling to his regimen to strengthen his swing and to buff him out some more.

3rd month:

He had mastered all sword plays and had a lean, muscular figure. He had grown from 5'6 to 6'2 and his hair had grown from short to waist length. He had asked techno about this and he had just replied with:

Techno: "heh? Oh, that. You get used to it after a while. Just put it in a bun or plait it so it doesn't get in the way: that's what I do."

And so he did... and he looked fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

 and he looked fiiiiiiiiiiiiine

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