5. Meeting

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"Reading" - All Might / Yelling


~ At UA ~

Nezu had just gotten back from Tartarus and was now at his desk filling out some paper work when 4 people barged into his office: they were Aizawa, Momo, katsuki and Kirishima. He calmly looked up to them, a malicious glint in his eyes.

Nezu: "I hope you have a good reason to force yourself way in here without my permission you 4."

They gulped and bowed, saying that they were sorry. One of them quickly sprung back up and started speaking with the principal.

Aizawa: "Nezu, we want to make a wager."

Nezu: *interested* "oh? And what would it contain?"

Aizawa: "if we find evidence to say that Izuku is innocent, we get him out of that hellhole."

Nezu: "and if you can't?"

Aizawa: "then you shall decide the punishment."

Nezu gains a sadistic grin.

Nezu: "alright, I accept. But I had a little conversation before he was sent into prison."

The four look at him attentively.

Nezu: "he says that I am neither on his trust list or his hate list and I hope to keep it that way. So I won't help you, but I won't stop you from going anywhere."

They think over it for a s cons before looking at each other and nodding.

Nezu: "Great! Now,"

A dark aura surrounds him as he grabs his tea.

Nezu: "get out of my office."

They nod and scramble out of the office as fast as their legs could take them. Nezu laughs while sipping his tea.


~ outside of the room ~

All 4 of the trusted people were sweating bullets. They forgot the rules about Nezu! 1. Never barge in without permission. And 2. Don't make deals with the devil.

Well, they had 1 month until they either free izuku or suffer the consequences.

~ two weeks later ~

They had nothing. It had been 2 weeks and they have no evidence to free izuku. They had watched every camera, gone to every library, searched through every website. But nothing had come up. They only had two weeks before his execution. Most of the class didn't care to begin with, but those who did a little, gave up after the first week.

Aizawa was sitting at his desk at his office doing paperwork when a knock was heard at his door. Curious, he opened it to find the villainess Toga standing there. He immediately got into a fighting stance, but when he took a further look, she looked to be crying.

Aizawa: "what are you doing here Toga?"

Toga: "well, *sniff* I'm here to turn myself in."

To say that Aizawa was surprised was an understatement, he was flabbergasted. One of Japan's most feared villains, crying and turning herself in.

Aizawa: "why? For all I know, you could be a spy and this could all be an act."

Toga: "I only wanted *sniff*
Izu-Kun to be arrested, Not *sniff* killed. I wanted him to- to be safe from future disasters and *sniff* not be a hero."

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