17. Battle Training P.t. 4

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"READING" - All Might/Demonic


Izuku stared in wonder as he watched Aizawa slip in and out of consciousness so effortlessly, almost as if he had centuries of practice. As he was studying the man, Katsuki came up behind him and slapped the back of his head.

Katsuki: "Hey nerd, snap out of it, we have a match to do. Then after, I want to talk about something with you."

Izuku held his head as his ears rang. He then shook his head and blinked a few times to regain his senses.

Izuku: "Oh yeah, the match. Right."

He then walked up to the arena and stood on the other side that Katsuki was on. They both looked at Aizawa for the clearance to fight, but they only saw him sound asleep.


Aizawa opened his eyes with his Quirk activated.

Aizawa: "Wake me up once more Problem child 2 and we're gonna have a deep, in thought conversations about your place in the hero course..."

Katsuki flinched and gulped before nodding his head and turning his attention to Izuku.

Katsuki: "You ready, Nerd?"

Izuku: "More than you, Kacchan."

They both grinned at each other as Aizawa counted down.

Aizawa: "3, 2, 1, Go!"

As soon as the comment was heard, Katsuki blasted his was over to the still Izuku, he tried his infamous right hook, only for the Pink-Haired boy to dodge and grab it.

Katsuki: 'Fuck.'

Izuku then threw Katsuki over his shoulder and into the ground, cracking it and making Katsuki spit out some saliva. The Pomeranian stood right back up though and managed to land a punch to Izuku's gut before kneeing him in the face. His efforts were in vain, as Izuku tanked the shot before grabbing the blond's arm and pulling him forward to headbut him in his face.

Katsuki stumbled backwards and held his now broken nose in pain before dodging a kick flying towards his face. He then reeled back his arm before going to throw a punch towards Izuku's family jewels. Izuku reacted by summoning his technosheild and knocking Katsuki's arm away with his free arm and forcing boom-boom-boy to the ground with the shield. He then landed on the shield and started jumping on it, making Katsuki groan in pain and struggle to get out.

Izuku: "C'mon Katsuki, you can do better than this."

Katsuki: "Piss off, I'm just warming up."

He then blasted the shield and Izuku off him with his explosions and stood back up to catch his breath. He then stared at the pig-man carefully before snarling and creating some sparks and crackles on his arm. Said pig-man just looked over at his opponent calmly before getting in a stance. They both waited for a moment before jumping at each other once more. 

They began trading blows with each other,  Katsuki was using his Quirk while Izuku was using his fighting style: Pigstep. After a few minutes of a constant standstill, Katsuki smirked and readied his trump card.

Katsuki: "Izuku, I'm sorry for using your move!!"

Izuku looked confusedly at Katsuki until he saw orange veins spread up the latter's arms.

Izuku: 'Oh?'

While Katsuki was powering up, he summoned a plain shield and an unbreaking 3 book. He tapped the book on the shield and it was absorbed into the object and caused the defensive weapon to have a slight glow to it. He looked, satisfied, at the shield before turning his attention back to Katsuki, who now had orange sparks coming off him.

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