9. Explanation and reunion

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"READING" - All Might/Demonic



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Izuku: "whaddup casuals."

Most of the class were in shock. The one that was deemed the traitor had just returned and beaten something that all of them combined couldn't handle.

Lida: "what are you doing here villain?! Don't worry class I shall stop him!"

As Lida gets into a fighting stance, Katsuki, Momo and Kirishima try to stop him but were halted by Izuku's next words.

Izuku: "nah, it's ok. It's not like he can do anything anyways."

He then folds his arms and waits for Lida's move. Seeing this, the bluenette is furious, how dare he look down on him!

Lida: "Fuck you villain! Recipro burst!"

His Leg engines spurt out blue fire as he speeds of towards Izuku. Izuku merely summoned his fishing rod and wrapped it round Lida's leg. He then pulled it, taking Lida off course and causing him to fall face first on the ground. This made the three believers chuckle as he had just made a fool out of himself. Izuku then mockingly reeled him in and decided to humiliate him more.

Izuku: "well would you look at that? It seems I've caught a dipshit! Must be the last one of the season as well."

Lida's face turned red as he struggled to break out of the twine keeping him coiled. He thrashed about, with little effect, before Izuku got bored and chopped him on the back of the neck.

Izuku: "ok, Now that this is over and done with, can I get an F in the chat?"

The class look at him in confusion.

Ochako: "ok, I'll bite! how are you here traitor?!"

Izuku was in disbelief, not because she called him traitor but because she didn't see him arrive!

Izuku: "are you fucking kidding me?"

This made the class recoil in shock, had the past class cinnamon roll just swore?

Izuku: "you didn't see the light show? The purple mist?! Any of it? Even when I was really badass and powerful? This was supposed to be a cool bonding moment... and you just ruined it uraraka... the moment is ruined."

He threw his hands up helplessly and withdrew his rod, making the unconscious Lida fall to the ground.

As izuku was pouting, the heroes arrived. They included: All Might, Nezu, Power loader, Midnight, Present Mic and Ectoplasm. As soon as All Might saw Izuku, and before Nezu could stop him, he jumped in.


He then pulls back his hand.


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