15. Battle Training P.t. 2

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"READING" - All Might/Demonic


Techno: "Kid?!?!"

Izuku was shocked. Where was he? He can't have teleported, that's not Koda's quirk.

Techno: "How the hell are you here?!"

Izuku: "I don't even know where 'here' is!"

Techno: "Well, technically, it's your mindscape but I made it into my house."

Izuku: "Ah."

He then notices a pair of shoes and some... white powder by the door. Izuku questioningly stares looks at it and looks back at Techno with a raised eyebrow.

Izuku: "Techno? Whats this?"

Techno: "Well, erm-"

???: "Eyyy, Techno! You gonna have any more happy flour, man?"

Izuku: "Techno, Who's that?"

Techno: "Oh, He's-"

??? then walks round the corner and reveals himself. What was seen was a man of around 5'8 with medium length, brown hair. he was wearing green cargo shorts, green jacket,  brown fingerless gloves and a blue beanie. But the most notable thing that was on his face, was a Mexican themed mask with a small smiley face on it.

 But the most notable thing that was on his face, was a Mexican themed mask with a small smiley face on it

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???: "Eyy man!"

He then ran up to Izuku and started sniffing him.

???: "I'm gonna speedrun smell you man!"

Izuku was freaked by this and looked at Techno, who was struggling not to laugh, for help.

Izuku: "Umm, Techno? Help please."

Techno: "Hehehe, Okay. Quackity, stop it now, you've traumatised the kid enough."

The now known quackity immediately stops sniffing him and disappeared with an audible 'pop'.

Izuku: *Shocked* "Where did he go?!"

Techno: "Oh, he does that when he wants to change his skin."

Izuku: "Oh, ok then."




Izuku: "WAIT, SKIN?!-"

He was interrupted by Quackity joining again but wearing a black jumper with a white stripe down the chest, a blue jacket with two white stripes down both of his arms, tracksuit bottoms with the two white stripes again, a beanie with the word 'LAFD' on it and a scar on his left eye, going from his eyebrow, over his eye and down to his chin.

He was interrupted by Quackity joining again but wearing a black jumper with a white stripe down the chest, a blue jacket with two white stripes down both of his arms, tracksuit bottoms with the two white stripes again, a beanie with the word 'LAF...

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