16. Battle Training P.t. 3

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"READING" - All Might/Demonic


Aizawa: "... okay, now that's over and done with,"

He snaps his fingers and the new matchings show.

Mina Vs Todoroki

Lida Vs Momo

Ojiro Vs Tokoyami

Ochako Vs Katsuki

Sero Vs Izuku

Aizawa: "Okay brats, first team go-"

Mina: "Sensei! I would like to drop out of the match!"

Aizawa: *raised eyebrow* "Hmm? Why?"

In response to this, Mina gave him the 'really' look.

Aizawa: "Okay, Yeah. Smart choice... Todoroki wins I guess. 2nd matchup now."

Lida and Momo then walk up to the arena and stare at each other. There is a silence before Lida bows towards her.

Lida: "Yaoyorozu! I wish you a good match! May the best person w-"

Momo: "Shut it four eyes and get on with the match."

Most of the class were surprised with this outburst while one is secretly chuckling.

Izuku: 'Hehe, my personality is rubbing off on her.'

Lida: *gawking* "B-But Yaoyorozu! I am m-merely expressing good sportsmanship!"

Momo: "And I don't care! Hurry up with the match already sonic reject."

Izuku: *snort* "HAHAHA!! I taught her that!!"

Katsuki: "BWUHAHAHAH!! She learned from the best Izuku!"

Lida: "B-Bu-"

He was cut off by Momo raising her hand, creating a metal staff and throwing it. Hitting Lida and knocking him out of bounds.

Aizawa: "Okay, that was anticlimactic... Yaoyorozu wins."

Lida: "B-But I wasn't ready! I declare a rematch."

Izuku: *rolls eyes* "Thats not how the world works Dipshit."

Aizawa: "Izuku's right. Not all heroes get second chances or rematches. Now shut up and sit down."

Lida: *grumbling* "Ok Sensei..."

Aizawa: "Okay, next match."

Ojiro and Tokoyami walk up to the stage and nod to each other, signalling that they are ready to fight.

~ Time skip to after the fight because I'm lazy ~

Tokoyami goes up to a bruised Ojiro and helps him up.

Tokoyami: *Mumbling* "Good match, better luck next time."

Ojiro: "T-Thanks man..."

Aizawa: "Good fight. Ojiro, stop relying on your arms and legs, use more unpredictable moves, incorporate your tail in your martial arts."

Ojiro: *Bows* "Yes, Sensei."

Aizawa: "Tokoyami, You're the opposite. You rely on your Quirk too much, try using some martial arts or some acrobatics to become more mobile."

Tokoyami: *Quietly* "Sure."

Aizawa: "Okay, next match."

Ochako and Katsuki walk up to the arena, Ochako shaking slightly and Katsuki strutting like a boss.

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