4. The execution...

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"Thanks" - speaking
'For' - thoughts
"Reading" - All Might / Yelling


When Izuku woke up, he immediately checked under his pillow to find the book. He sighed in relief when he felt the leather binding.

The boy jumped off his bed and walked towards the cell door. The guard walked up to the bars and hit his baton on the bar. The ringing reverberated through his skull, giving him a headache. The guard opened the door and pulled Izuku out. He threw him on the floor and kicked him in the stomach. Izuku spat out blood and spit

Guard: "I don't care if you're a kid, you're getting treated the same way everyone else does."

Izuku: *groan* 'it's going to be a long month.'

And so it was. They days seemed to drone on and the inmates only seemed to get more aggressive. The beatings that they dealt were more severe than katsuki's when they were kids, and when he had bandaged his wounds, the guard's were worse.

He was treated like he was a monster or an animal, 2 meals a day, severe beatings, read the book, sleep. That's all he needed to do at the moment. Speaking of the book, he had learned the language that it was inscribed in and was shocked to find it was a mix of Latin and Spanish. The title of it was 'the art of technoblade' and what it contained was all of his life findings and inventions. The one that intruiged him the most was the 'totem of undying', it was a device that could stop a person from dying. It was a small humanoid figurine that was made up of mostly squares.

There had been instructions on how to make one, mostly just glass and clay, but one of the most essential components is a human soul

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There had been instructions on how to make one, mostly just glass and clay, but one of the most essential components is a human soul. Izuku wasn't a murderer, he was a teenager for God's sake, he couldn't kill someone for something he didn't know if it would even work. Stain had offered to be the sacrifice, but Izuku knew that he couldn't kill him, stain was the only one that treated him right in this hellhole, most had threatened to kill him army least 4 times. The boy had learned to ignore them and get on with his day.

One day he was chilling in his room, doing his daily exercise, (which consisted of 50 push ups/ sit ups/ pull ups, 300 kg bench press and 30 minute shadow boxing) when he had a guard visit his cell.

Guard: "OI! Green! you've got a letter."

He hands the letter over and izuku tears it open. As he read it, izuku's face turns pale, then to pure unbridled rage. Stain looks at the kid concerned.

Stain: "woah, kid. Calm down, what happened."

The boy looks at him with tears in his eyes and hands him the letter. Stain reads it and his eyes turn red.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

You know my family secret and that cannot go unpunished. You ever wonder why you never got any news about your father? Because I sent a highly trained assassin to kill him. But seen as though that didn't hurt you enough, it would seem that more emotional dismay must be achieved. On the day of your execution... your mother shall be waiting. Tell her that I say hi.

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