Kim Namjoon: The romantic lover (ft. Yoongi)

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Chapter 5: Kim Namjoon

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Chapter 5: Kim Namjoon

You turned to look at Yoongi. A small smile appeared on your face. He closed the door behind him, slowly making his way to you. His demeanor always drove you crazy, he always carried himself with high class and dignity.

"What brings you here tonight? You usually don't make surprise visits like this" You spoke, filling his glass with a special edition cognac, on the rocks, just like he likes it. Pouring yourself a glass as well, you took them both and sat on Yoongi's lap, handing him his own glass.

Yoongi's arm wrapped around your waist, rubbing your exposed thigh and taking his first sip of the night. The smooth and sharp liquor set Yoongi at ease, he was particularly stressed or anything but he could always use a drink.

"I'm taking some time off from work for personal reasons, I thought I should stop by more often. That's okay with you, right Kitten?" he wasn't asking you, he was more like telling you. Either way, you didn't mind seeing him.

"Of course, you know I'll never tell you no." you smiled softly, taking a sip of your own glass. Yoongi watched as you drank the liquor. He watched the lump in your throat as you swallowed. He watched you lick the escaping liquid fall from your mouth as you were drinking. He imagined that liquid being his hot cum dripping from your mouth after you sucked him off. He imagines you looking up at him, mouth full of his cum, smirking as you swallow every drop like the good girl you are for him.

He was getting work up and he hadn't given you orders yet. Honestly, he didn't know what he wanted from you tonight. Half of him wanted to make love to you while the other wanted to use you as his little plaything. Yoongi brought his glass back to his lips as he continued to eye you down.

"Everything okay, Yoongi?" you asked, feeling his eyes burn a hole in your neck. Yoongi usually tells you what he wants from you the moment he steps foot through your door, but today, he didn't. It wasn't uncomfortable but it made you wonder if he was alright.

"Everything is perfectly okay, just wondering how a pretty girl like yourself can get into some mess like this," Yoongi said, setting the glass on his knee as his fingers that were around your waist gently moved to your thigh, creasing it softly. You froze at the sudden curiosity.

"Oh...well I wanted to be here. The pay is nice and the hours are...long but they supply your every need." you lied, something you found yourself doing often when it came to this. Yoongi didn't buy it.

"Sorry Kitten, you aren't a great liar like you think you are. I doubt you really want to be here"

You looked from your glass and at Yoongi. His eyes were no longer on his own glass but they were looking directly at yours. Many thoughts were running through your head, too many to count. 'Why was Min Yoongi all of a sudden curious about your lifestyle?' 'has he heard something from somewhere?'

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