14: Origins

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a/n : Trigger warning/ kidnapping mention

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a/n : Trigger warning/ kidnapping mention

"You still comin' over later right?"

Jungkook lifted his head up from his desk and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there."

Jungkook was excited. This was the first party he was actually invited to in a long time. He had great friends and even had a few girlfriends but he never hung out with them after school or anything. He kept to himself when he was out of school. Even if he saw a friend from school out and about, he'd still walk straight past them like he didn't even know them. It was intentional but it was how it was.

It was what he was taught.

His father left him and his mother way before he was even 2, so his remembering his father was a thing of the past. But the hurt that came with it, he remembered. He remembered his mother crying all the time when a new boyfriend didn't work out or when one of her friends replaced her with their husbands or other friends.

As a normal person, this was life and these changes happen, naturally, you move on.

But Jungkook's mother? She couldn't.

She had a severe case of emotional dependency. Whenever one person left her, her emotions went haywire. She needed another person to make her feel more at ease. In between those times, Jungkook was that person. When she couldn't make decisions, he would. When she needed a crying shoulder, he'll be that crying shoulder. Anything she needed and he could do, he'll do it. Up until she found another boy which never took long. She's a beautiful woman, it was easy for her. But she falls in love quickly, by the second or third date they're dating full-on but by the 5th date, the man is moving in or they're moving in with him.

Jungkook didn't hate his mom, he couldn't blame her for being this way. She was still an amazing mother that cared for him deeply, but boy was she a people pleaser.

So from an early age, Jungkook decided to pick and choose he got attached. He didn't want to go through a vicious cycle like his mother. So he decides that he won't get attached to anyone. No matter friends or foes.

Tonight is different though. His friends convinced him to come to a party. Parties weren't really his thing but they promised that it wouldn't be too crazy, just a few drinks, nice music, and hot girls. Jungkook cautiously agreed.

"Meet at my place okay? We'll all go together."

After arriving home, he saw a note left on the kitchen counter for him.

"I'll be out for the night and home in the morning. Let's go for some breakfast in the morning, yeah? I love you and don't stay out too late tonight. You never know what's out there. Have fun honey and I'll see you tomorrow! Xoxo mom"

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