Park Jimin, The unpredictable lover. Ft. Seokjin

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"What am I to do father?"

"I-I can't see Father, please come back"

"Mama, please don't let him do this...."

"Don't worry Min, your father will be fine."


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"It was so nice seeing you again Minnie, hurry back soon"

Jimin stumbled into his room after meeting the masked woman once again. He took a deep breath of relief once he heard her door slam. But that was short lived once the dreaded man walked past Jimin, chuckling softly as if he knew the bullshit that woman puts him through.

"Having fun on the job again?

"You call this shit fun? You must be a sick fuck" Jimin thought to himself, not even giving him the courtesy of a response. He just kept walking with his head down, holding onto his waist.

"Oh, someone has an attitude" he chuckled as he walked into the same room he came out of.

Jimin growled. The moment he got there, he didn't have a chance to breathe, she started demanding that he sees her more frequently than normal. He couldn't take anymore but there was nothing he could do. A small hiss fell from his lips as he stumbled over to Jungkook's side of the room, knocking softly on the door before peeking his head through to check if he was sleeping.

He could care less about the kid but he knew you cared about him a lot, so much you made him promise to look after him.


"Hey Min, I heard there's a new guy," you said brushing your hair. Jimin nodded. "Yeah, he got here last night."

"How did he do in the intake?" Jimin frowned and looked over at you, "Do you know him or something?"

"No, no, no. He just looked scared when I looked at him, just wondering if something happened to him" you said while playing with your fingers before looking back at Jimin. "Maybe you could kind of look after him for a little?"

Jimin chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry princess but do I look like a babysitter to you? I'm not watching over another," he said looking over at you.

"I'm not asking you to be a babysitter but maybe a friend. You know how lonely these places can get." you added, Jimin turned his back to you "I'm not here to be a friend, I'm here to do a job Y/n"

"So you aren't my friend?" You questioned standing next to him, pushing your arm between his to hold it close to you.

"That's different, we've been through some of the same things, we DONE a few things and I know you, I do not know him nor do I want to." He admitted looking down at your resting head on his shoulder. " I don't need to be around someone I don't trust"

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