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"Please, make yourself comfortable"

Taehyung said watching you walk into his room. It was like nothing you've seen before. It looked like a small apartment all on its own. The room looked cozy and fancy all at the same time. You could tell Taehyung liked things in a certain way. It was spotless, with nothing out of order, no trash. You could see your reflection on the floors. You sat on his bed and almost fell in love. It was so soft yet so firm, it was warm. It was enough to make you fall asleep on the spot.

But you held strong.

You held Taehyung's jacket closer around you, not feeling uncomfortable but feeling a little chilly since you were still in your work attire. Noticing, Taehyung quickly shuffled to his thermostat and shifted the touch screen dial to a warmer setting.

"What do you like to sleep in? I have pajama sets, shorts, and long sleeves, even if you want, you can use my shirt. Anyone" he whispers sitting next to you.

This side of Taehyung was sweet and calm. He was still mysterious and every word sent chills down your spine. Briefly studying his features, you decided that you wanted to be just as comfortable as you would be at hom-well the club.

"I usually sleep in a big t-shirt. It's the most comfortable for me at least.." You said timidly. Taehyung jumped at the opportunity to give you one of his shirts to sleep in.

"I have no problem giving you one of my shirts as long as you promise to wear it every night," he said looking in his clothes and choosing the softest black t-shirt he owned. "I want you to wear this with pride, okay petal?"

Taehyung walked over to you, handing you his shirt.

"Thank you, c-can I take a shower?" you asked. He looked down at you and smiled, lifting your face to his.

"Petal, you never have to ask to shower or anything for that matter, when you're here with me anything you want, you can have." He said sweetly, "Matter of fact, after this let's have some dinner and-"

The door flew open while Taehyung was speaking and the same cold face you were used to. He turned slowly to the door and stared coldly at the man. Unnoticed by the man he continued in the room unaware of your presence.

"Sorry to bother you sir but I have paperwork I need you to-o-oh sir I-..I'm so sorry-" He quickly began to apologize once he realized you were in the room.

"Didn't I say don't bother me tonight, no matter what it is? I don't fucking care if my fucking mother calls begging to speak to me, I told you once my petal steps foot into my home, NO ONE is to bother me" his voice roared throughout the room. Chills shot through your spine hearing him speak like that.

The guys stuttered and pleaded with Taehyung. "I'm I-I'm sorry boss, really I am. I forgot, I didn't mean to interrupt you both-" he instantly stopped talking once he saw Taehyung turn to you.

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