Chapter 10: The Kims

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"Staying the night with you? I don't know if-"

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"Staying the night with you? I don't know if-"

"You don't know if what? It's allowed? Petal, when are you going to understand,"

Taehyung whispered as he moved closer, closing the space between you. The closer and closer he got, the more the air was sucked out of your lungs.

"I do what I want, not what I'm told"

You would do anything to leave this place, the moment you had a chance you wouldn't even look back but you didn't know if you would take that chance with him. He might get you out but you'd have to live by his rules, his standards. Not saying he was a bad guy nor he would hurt you but that's a thing, you didn't know for sure. He was so mysterious, you could never point your finger at his direct personality.

Either way, you wouldn't leave Jimin nor could you leave Jungkook. You'd promise that you would stay with them and find a way for you all to be free from this.

Clearly, you were taking a little too long, Taehyung could see you questioning your whole existence standing in front of him. He took your hand and kissed it sweetly.

"It's just one night, you won't be in trouble or anything. You'll be back in your little protectors' arms, even though I'm pretty sure you would much rather be on the outside, living it up than being here wasting your life."

Taehyung was right, but it still didn't change your mind about anything.

"I guess, it couldn't hurt... I should pack a bag or something."

"You don't have to, I have everything you're going to need. Just bring you." He smiled, turning to head to the door. Once he was there he opened the door and looked at you, waiting for you to join him. Hesitantly, you headed towards the door and exited.

Jungkook and Jimin, once in a conversation, both turned to look at you.

"You're done already, Princess? Well, I'll escort Mr. Kim to the entrance and Jungkook will take you to your room for the night."

Jimin said while Jungkook smiled and took your hand, ready to take you to the room. You had no plans to stop them until Taehyung cleared his voice and brought you back to him with a firm hand on your waist, stopping both men in their tracks.

"Petal is staying the night with me tonight"

"Like hell–, come on yn" Jimin mumbled, pulling you back to Jungkook, expecting Taehyung to fall back. But he didn't budge, neither did the grip he had on you. "You probably didn't hear me, the years of loud music from a young age probably did that,"

"She's staying the night with me"

"That's not allowed–"

"It is, I paid for it and talked to your little boss. When it comes to this one, I can do what I very much, please. Now move"

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