13: white lies pt. 2

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"Thank you" Namjoon mumbled as he downs another drink. This was his 3rd drink of the night and he only started drinking 30 minutes ago. His emotions have been running wild and he lost control of them, that's why he requested the time off from work for a few days. He was beyond conflicted.

Namjoon couldn't help but think about last night. He felt so guilty like he cheated on you...

He was sitting in front of the Masked Lady, in all her glory.

He shouldn't be here.

"I'm going to make your night a little better, how can I be a service to you"

"You feel amazing, Namjoon" she moaned.

Namjoon slammed his hand down on the bar, trying to forget the images of last night, the rest of the people at the bar saw him react this way. He reluctantly waved,

"My apologies" he whispers.

Jimin and Jungkook saw the encounter from where they were, shaking their head. You had sent them to get you more ice for the drinks you were going to make. Jimin told Jungkook to come along so he could teach him where to get ice and extra things you may need–since he was new. He was in the middle of explaining where everything was when he heard glasses and bottles rattle against the bar. The two pairs of eyes looked at Namjoon.

"What's his problem?" jungkook asked.

"Who knows, probably feel bad about last night" Jimin started, "Anyways– this is also where you get chasers and mixers-"

Namjoon went back and forth with himself.

A part of him told him that he should tell you, keep it honest. You've always been so understanding and maybe you'll be understanding this time.


Another part of him told him he shouldn't.

You had strict rules for you Loves, even Taehyung followed them. As much as you value them, you weren't going to wavier on your rules.

One rule you stressed more than the others was...

"Under ANY circumstances, you cannot sleep with anyone else in this club. I can't control your life outside but here? I can. If you want to sleep with someone else then you can drop from being my Love" he remembered your voice saying the first time you guys had met.

He couldn't possibly tell you.

But if you found out, you'll drop him for sure.

His eyes locked with the two figures heading to your door, Joon hurriedly caught up with Jimin and Jungkook, stepping in front of them, almost causing Jungkook to drop the ice.

"Hey man– watch out"

"What? You can go in you know? You don't–"

"I need advice about something–I made a mistake"

The two males looked at each other before looking back Joon.

"What did you do?" Jimin asked.

"I fucked someone else.."

"Who?" Jungkook pushed.

"A woman...with a mask."

A part of Jimin had hoped that maybe Jungkook didn't see what he thought he saw. Jimin's voice turned cold, he clenched his jaw and his glare became hostile.

"You fucked he-" jimin quickly covered jungkook's mouth. "Not too loud, I don't want Princess or anyone else to hear you"

"What could you possibly need our advice for? I should tell her myself, one less honry fuck I have to deal with" Jimin spat.

"No please- Don't tell her. I need to know if I should say something or should I just let it go" Joon asked.

"We can't answer that for you. Either way, Princess is going to be hurt by it" Jimin said. "And we're gonna have to be the ones to fix it, not you" Jungkook added.

"Whatever you do, I hope it was worth your wild," Jimin said, rolling his eyes as he and Jungkook headed back to your room.


"Thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed myself." The pretty woman smiled. Hoseok smiled softly and walked her to her door. "Will I get to see you again?" She smiled.

"Maybe so love, we will see." He answered truthfully. He never wanted to say yes, then he'll get 1,000s of calls harassing him.

Been there, done that.

He kissed her cheek and headed back to his car.

Driving home, he felt that emptiness again. He knew she wasn't the one the moment she opened her mouth. It wasn't what she said or how she said it. He just lost interest. But he continued on with the date like there was nothing wrong.

He passed by the street of the club and his mind wandered to you again. He loved conversating with you. It always seemed so fluid and nothing became awkward. He loved your giggles and your small words of kindness.

"Aish, I should go make an appointment soon, I need to her" deciding to turn onto the street of the club and into the parking lot.


"I can't believe he actually fucked her..." Jungkook said loud enough for only Jimin to hear.

"I can't either, with the masked woman of all people. Granted, he doesn't know of her, but he knows Princess's rules." Jimin said shaking his head.

"Has anyone broken her rules before?" Jungkook asked.

"Well– not any of her new lovers. Even Taehyung follows every rule to the t. But there was one person that promised her things and that's where the rules came to play"

"Oh, who was the person?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin smirked and dragged his tongue across his tongue.

"It was me." 

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