chapter 15: origins pt. 2

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         "The saddest thing about betrayal is that is never  comes from your enemies..."


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" Are you okay? Talk to me? Jimin what happened?!" You asked in a panic as you rushed to the stunned male.

Jungkook was completely dismayed by the sudden actions of those other guards. His mind was cloudy and his hands began to shake. His mouth went completely dry just thinking about how helpless he felt during that attack...

Just like he felt when he was 16.

"Just two protectors being assholes, Princess. But, I'll handle them later," Jimin started as he squatted down next to you, looking Jungkook in his eyes, slightly getting worried "hey kid, come back to us."

Small whimpers left the male's mouth and it made you cringe, reaching out you held Jungkooks face and rubbed his cheek softly. "Come back to us baby, you're safe now..."

Jungkook slowly snapped out of it and looked between the both of you. Realizing the worry on both of your faces, he sat up straight and cleared his throat. He wanted to kick himself for being so weak in front of you.

"I'm sorry, I just froze" he whispered.

"Why were they so angry with you?" you asked,

'Because I shouldn't be walking around on my own' Jungkook thought.

"I don't know..." was the only thing Jungkook could mutter...

JImin frowned. You got up and got some water as well as your little kit to patch Jungkook up. You used to have to do the same for Jimin so you thought it'll be a good idea to keep something like this around.

After you gave the younger male the water and allowed him to drink some, you started to clean his cuts and bruises. Jimin stood.

"I'll be back okay?" Jimin said, leaving before you could even try to ask him anything. Sighing, you just turned your attention back to Jungkook and held his hands.

"Are you sure you're okay?" you whispered. Jungkook felt his mind settle when he heard you speak. Lifting his head, he gave you a reassuring smile, nodding. "I'm okay, I just have a little headache and probably need to lay down for a while before work" he smiled.


"Did you ever see the men who did this to you and your friends?"

'yes' jungkook thought.

"I don't remember" Jungkook muttered.

The detective sighed softly before continuing his questioning.

"How many men were there? Could you hear them? Different voices?"

'4, yes, and many different voices..' he thought again.

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