Jung Hoseok, The passionate lover. (ft. Taehyung)

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Working long hours was something that Hoseok was used to

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Working long hours was something that Hoseok was used to. He took his craft seriously and he did everything he could to make sure every dance he created, fun or for work, was better than the last project he worked on.

He's won many awards and has been recognized for many things. Some will say he has it all, that he's living the life. He has tons of money, is respected by many, loved by most, he could have anything and anyone he wanted. What most is there to want?

Hoseok knew that he had it all, or at least, more than most but that didn't satisfy him.

He craved someone to share that with. He didn't want to have all his riches to himself. He wanted to share this with a family, a family he created. Granted, he could share it with his immediate family but he had no heart for them anymore after what happened. Hoseok wanted to make his own family, he wanted to come home to a wife that loved him, who would mind having kids for him at the drop of a dime.

He wanted to give his kids what he never had as a kid. He wanted to show his wife the love he never saw his mom receive when he was younger. He just wanted to feel loved like he hadn't felt from anyone but his best friend.

Hoseok walked into his dark and lonely home.

No one to say "Welcome honey, I've made dinner"

No delicious aromas, no kids running around, not even a source of light.

A small sigh left his lips as he reached over to switch on the light before entering his home. Removing his shoes he headed to his room and sat on his bed before plopping back. Looking to the ceiling, he questioned if this was all to his life. Was this going to be his end? He had a shit upbringing, turned that into a better life but he still feels the same loneliness he felt back then.

Hoseok sighed once more once he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Fishing through his pockets for his phone, he looked at the screen and immediately didn't recognize the number. He debated if he should answer or not, not really caring to speak to anyone.

"It could be for work" he mumbled before hitting the green button and lifting the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he said lazily, turning to his side to cuddle his pillow, closing his eyes.

"Are you sleeping? Did you forget about our date?" a female voice asked.

Hoseok's eyes instantly bugged open as he jerked from the bed and looked over at the time.

"What? No, baby. I was just getting ready. What made you think I forgot Kitten?" Hoseok said smoothly as he quickly peeled his clothes off and rushed to the bathroom to start the shower.

The girl giggled cutely "You said you'll be here at 9:30 but it's 9:45" Hoseok chuckled.

"I'm sorry pretty, I was tied up at work but that doesn't mean our night won't happen. The night is young and I am dying to see you baby"

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