𝖪𝖭𝖩: the romantic lover pt.2

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Walking to his car, he finished his late-night report and even got a head start on the morning report

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Walking to his car, he finished his late-night report and even got a head start on the morning report. Namjoon was a bit off his game due to a series of text messages he got on the daily. He usually can hide his feelings well but lately, his sister has been on his mind, not because he wanted her to be but because he was forced to think about her every time a new text came in.

Finally reaching his car, he placed his bags in the trunk and sighed deeply. Closing the trunk back, Namjoon leaned against the car and his mind began to dawdle. Images of that night flooded his mind.

"I was only 16, what could I have done? I was a fucking kid myself." he cursed himself. Tears began to burn Namjoon's eyes as he continued to ponder on his sister. His heart was broken and he couldn't see anyone else to blame but himself. "I told you to stay fucking home, why couldn't you have listened to me?"

He scoffed and shook his head, getting in the car.


The rumble and boom of the thunder and the loud patter of the rain hitting the roof and window of Namjoon's home followed by the rushing winds reminded him too much of that night. Namjoon could see the molten silver sky and bright flashes shining through his window. He could hear the cries of his sister as if she was in the room with him.
"Why'd you leave me?!" "JOON PLEASE" "Namjoon, please don't leave me!" it seemed the wind carried her cries into the room each time the thunder rolled in.

Joon couldn't take the cries anymore, he couldn't take the screams anymore.

Shooting up from his bed, he looked at the time.

"2:23 am" he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

You were cleaning up your private room, not expecting anyone else since it was almost 3, and usually if you did super late nights you required the lover to make the appropriate appointment times.

"Are you done for the night?" Jimin asked, walking toward you after closing the door. You nodded.

"Yeah, I don't have any other clients. Thankfully, I'm tired. I want to sleep" you giggled softly, yawning as you hugged Jimin. Jimin chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug.

"You need some rest. You deserve it, you've been booked heavily for the past couple of days. How about Jungkook and I take you back to your room. I'll give you a hot bath and Jungkook can go get you something to eat, then we can watch a movie or two before you go to bed." He said, whispering softly in your ear.

Jimin constantly gave you butterflies. His smooth voice and his swift words always made your world spin out.

He would be the perfect man for you if he wasn't so emotionally unavailable and it was against the rules to date. You've confessed your feelings for him many times before and he always denied any attraction for you even though you could clearly tell otherwise.

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