Kim Taehyung: ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴅɪsᴛɪᴄ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ

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"What's that?"

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"What's that?"

"There's something concerning your little girlfriend that you see over there."

Seokjin looked into her eyes as she continued to push her hips, creating irresistible friction against his member. Seokjin's groans continued to fall from his lips and his eyes were completely shut as Jess peppered his neck with kisses, hitting all the places that he loved the most. Although he very much knew it was Jess, his mind was plastered with images of you. All he saw was your pretty face looking down at him while you rode his dick sensually. As if he was your man and you were giving him the ride of his life after a hard day's work. He felt your skin underneath his fingertips, smooth and warm to his touch. He could smell your soft and gentle scent, it was making him miss you even more. But he was slapped back into reality when he realized Jess was talking about you.

"She isn't my girlfriend. She's just my friend."

"I have friends, but I don't fuck them and send them gifts, money, etc"

"What about her Jess?"

Seokjin starts to get annoyed like he always does when Jess mentions you. She always talks poorly about you and it just makes his skin crawl.

"I have this... friend. He's very fond of your little friend. He too sees her but it's not as often as you go. He told me to tell you to stop seeing her. She belongs to...."


Taehyung stepped out of his home with his entourage closely behind him

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Taehyung stepped out of his home with his entourage closely behind him.

No one really knows what he does. No one really knows why he's so mysterious. Everyone knows not to piss him off or question his authority. He was feared so much, even the police never questioned his motives.

He was strangely respected and feared. You didn't even know why you feared him so much. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or maybe it's the way he demands his respect.

"Where to tonight sir?"

Taehyung sat in the back of his car and made himself comfortable as his assistant poured him a glass of champagne. A smirk fell on his lips as he looked at his driver.

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