12: white lies pt. 1

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a/n: In this chapter there is blood and de*ath mentions! I'll tell you where it is so you can skip over that! Please enjoy!

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a/n: In this chapter there is blood and de*ath mentions! I'll tell you where it is so you can skip over that! Please enjoy!

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, watching you set your room up for your loves tonight.

"I'm fine, nothing happened," you said stocking the things that needed to be stocked.

Jungkook frowned. He was conflicted. Did something happen and you were trying to keep it from him. Or did nothing happen and he's being paranoid?

Or he could be paranoid because of what he saw last night. A part of Jungkook wanted to tell you right away but another part of him wanted to keep it from you. There could be a small possibility that you would be hurt about the whole thing.

So Jungkook sat on your couch and kicked his leg.

"You okay Jungkook?" You asked, looking over at him.


"I don't know, I don't know!" Jungkook cried as he held his hands against his ears. They had been hounding him for hours. He was covered in the missing teens' blood.

Jungkook as well as three other teens had been missing for a year, he was the only one to make out with cuts and bruises while the other three weren't so lucky.  The police had been interviewing him, trying to get information out of him without pushing him too far, but no matter what.

He always said he didn't know.

The parents didn't buy it.

They wanted to know what happened to their children and who had done it. Jungkook was their only hope of getting that closer, but he was in no rush to talk about anything.

"Can't you force him to talk?! We deserve closer!" One parent asked.

"We at least deserve that"

The police sighed softly, " I'm sorry, we're trying our best but it's hard. He's been through God knows what for a year. Trauma is present, we can't push him any further."

Jungkook sat there shaking uncontrollably in his mother's arms. He gripped her shirt tightly as his tears stained her shirt.

"It's okay baby...it's not your fault. You're okay."


Jungkook shook his head slightly before looking up at you.

"H-huh? Were you talking to me?"

You giggled and rubbed his face gently smiling.

"Mhm, I was. But it seems my baby's mind was elsewhere"

He chuckled and leaned into your hand. "I just had a thought. I'm okay. Promise"

Jungkook sat there, deep in your embrace as Jimin walked in. Jimin saw how your thumb slowly ran across Jungkook's face and how soft your words were when you talk to him. His tongue pressed against the inner part of his cheek, a tad irritated.

Last night, you were all he could think about. When Jungkook brought you up and him caring about you, he decided to think about how he felt about you. He may have a little crush.

He came to this conclusion a little while ago but he was in place to ask you to be with him. Jimin wouldn't be able to handle you fucking anyone but him. That's why his attitude is flared up. He may not be able to date you but he damn sure not going to sit here and watch Jungkook make a move on you.

Jimin cleared his throat, causing you and Jungkook to look at him. A smile grew on your face as you headed toward Jimin, "Hi, Min" he couldn't help himself but smile and fall into your charm.

"Hello Princess, I missed you"

You giggled, "It was just one night, silly" you softly hit his chest before hugging him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around you, inhaling your scent. You smelled amazing but it wasn't your usual.

"New perfume?"

"Ah, yeah. Taehyung bought it for me" you said reluctantly, Jimin pulled back just enough to look at your face. "Did he?"

"Anyways, I came to tell you that Namjoon is going to be first tonight. He came last night but you had already left." Jimin said you cursed yourself.

"I forgot that he had made an appointment, that was unfair of me" you sighed "I hope it isn't upset with me"

Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other while you turned to get ready for Namjoon.

"Tell her" Jimin mouthed to Jungkook, Jungkook shook his head and pointed at Jimin shortly, "You tell her" he mouthed back.

"But you saw it"

"And I told you everything I saw!" the silent conversation was ended when you turned back to them holding two sets in your hands.

"The red or the pink?" you asked.

"The pink," they said in unison.

You giggled and lifted the pink set, "fine, I guess"


Yeona cuddled her daddy on the couch after they spent the day shopping and doing ever she wanted, she wanted to whine down with her daddy and watch all her favorite movies, eating her favorite snacks.

"Daddy, Daddy are you watching??" she asked chewing on a gummy bear. Yoongi chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, I'm watching honey," he said pulling her closer to him.

Yoongi's eyes were glued to the tv but his mind traveled elsewhere.

"Should he tell you about Yeona? Would you even care? Of course, you would, you always show that you care." he thought

"Duh, it's your job to fucking care." he frowned.

"But...I feel like this is different. You always ask how I am and you listen to me. Give me feedback. Hell, I almost showed you my music– I never do that."

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Yeona asked sliding into Yoongi's lap and holding his face with her tiny hands.

"Of course I'm okay." he smiled. "Just thinking about my friend."

She gasps and smiles, "daddy, you have a friend? where?! " she asked happily.

"She's at home baby." He smiled. "I wanna see your friend" she pouted.

"One day...one day" he smiled.


Seokjin was still thinking about the baby.

Who knows, maybe, just maybe it could be his, maybe it wasn't.

Either way, he now has to care for a child that may not be his. His mother is way too invested and he could break her heart.

He had to keep the facade a little longer.


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