Chapter 10- It was FIRE, Until...

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"Please gather here everyone, cause the fun is about to start. He is right here with us. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for-" Lights went off. 


***Random Voices***

"Great!" Anna rolled her eyes. Suddenly a light hit her eyes and shined so brightly that it blinded her. "Oh my!" she uttered under her breath. Blinking twice, she slowly opened her eyes.

A tall man, about six feet in height, was standing at the farthest corner of the hall, soaking the luminous spotlight which was on him. Dressed up nicely, his black fedora cap and a mic in his hand was attracting all the attention.


***Crowd cheering-Rap King~***

"What's with all this cheering Ali?" Anna turned to Alira whose eyes were sparkling. 

"You'll get to know it soon," Alira answered. "RAP KING!" she cheered.

***Upbeat Music plays***

The atmosphere changed all of a sudden. Other tiny lights went on and the cheering lowered down to complete silence. 

"Come here, I'm about to take you higher,"  the man started rapping. In the wink on an eye, the music and the rap picked up the unimaginable pace. 

"Does that man even breathe?" Anna's eyes popped out. "It feels like I am in a concert" a broad smile plastered on her face. 

***Crowd Cheering, Music blasting*** 


The hall lights up after the song comes to an end. 

"Rap King! Rap King!" Crowd was cheering in unison with applauds and hooting. 

"He is soooo good! What's his name?" Anna asked. 

"He is Paul Garrison" 

"That's a nice name. Is he working in the company or-"

"Looks like someone wants a date" Alira turned to Anna with a smirk on her face. 

"NOOO! I am not looking for a date. I just wanted some information, you know for general knowledge" Anna was disgruntled.

"Okay. For your information, he is a nice guy and you'll surely like him" Alira winked. 


***Crowd Cheering-Once more~***

The music started again.

"Did he just start with another masterpiece?" 

"He just!"

"OMG! OMG!" Anna started jumping like a four year old. 

***Crowd Cheering and Applauding***

There was neither a Head, nor an employee. Everyone was enjoying being their own selves with each other. 


"Thank you for inviting us to the lovely night Jack. It was a lot of  fun." Anna beamed.

"Then why are you leaving so soon? Stay for a while" Jack requested.

"I wish I could. But you see..." Anna looked at Alira who was a complete mess. She was way too drunk. 

"I understand. Should I drop you somewhere?" 

"Oh no. I'll manage. Thank you." 

"Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow.


"Take care then. See you tomorrow." Jack extended his arms for a quick hug.

"You too take care" Anna hugged him. Grabbing Alira's hand, she came out of the hall. The cab was already there, waiting for both of them. 

"Come Ali," Anna helped Alira to get into the cab. Alira wasn't in a sound condition so Anna took her to her own place. 

Her parents were asleep so Anna unlocked the door with her key quietly and took Alira to her own room. 

"Your room is so clean Ann.." Alira muttered.

"Thanks, babe. We should go to sleep. Tomorrow we have places to go" Anna stated.

"Wow Ann!! You have such a nice collection" Alira exclaimed while checking out the accessories Anna had kept on her vanity table. They were mostly pendants and ear-rings. 

She took one of them in her hand. It was a platinum pendant with two hearts fused to make one, making a beautiful design with a small blue diamond fitted in between the two hearts.

"This one is so pretty." Alira sat on the chair.

"You never wore it Ann? Did you?" She asked while checking the pendant on herself.

"Can I borrow it?" she asked with utmost sincerity.

"No!" Anna yelled at her. The expressions on her face changed. Her facial muscles tensed.

Alira blinked twice and without saying anything, kept it back in its place. 

"I am deadly tired. Let's sleep" she mumbled and laid down on the bed which Anna prepared. She was so tired that she dozed off straight away. 

Anna breathed out sharply, trying to calm herself down. "I am sorry Ali. I shouldn't have yelled on you like that." she looked at Alira who was peacefully sleeping on her bed.

She went closer to her vanity table and took that pendant in her hands. Looking at it closely, she blinked away the drop of tear that was forming in her eye.

"Why?" she sniveled. 

"You should have at least talked to me" she pressed her eyes tightly while a tear rolled down her cheek. 

Without trying, the distressing memory came back to her to haunt her down once again. She recalled the day; the day which turned her world upside-down, the day she lost the support system of her life-her sister, Ava. 

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