Ch- 20- IDK why those feelings start to rise, when I look into your eyes...

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Anna returned to her desk with a smirk on her face. She had managed to lock Alira in the washroom successfully on her own. Moving the chair to her desk, she was ready to get back to work when her phone rang up. Her eyes went to the screen and she read the caller ID- MOM.

Anna blankly stared at the vibrating thing. The thumping beat of her heart was in contrast with her tensed facial muscles. Deep down she knew that her mother would be mad at her for not answering the phone, even so, she didn't budge. 

Eventually, her phone went back to silence. Anna relaxed as now, she could make any excuse that seems fit in the situation. She turned her attention to her computer's screen which had a popup saying she received an email from Jack, marked as 'TASK'. 

She tapped on the keyboard to open up her mail. Just then her phone received a message which was immediately followed by another one. Picking up her phone, she opened up the messaging app-




A shiver ran down her spine as she read the messages. The memory of her parents fighting and blaming each other for Ava's death started playing in the back of her head as if it was a reel. Those emotions, which she was trying to avoid last night, resurfaced and this time with greater intensity. 

She flipped her phone and picked up her pen and notebook. Angrily, she scribbled everything on the paper. It was her way to handle her creeping emotions.  

It didn't take long for her to compose herself. But now, Her mind clouded with the thought of Joel and that girl whom she spotted at the bridge the previous night. "Was she his girlfriend?" She gulped. "Am I jealous?..." her head tilted and brows furrowed. "Of Course not! Why would I be jealous?" she muttered with a scrunched up face. "But how can he do this? He doesn't-" 

"BOO~" Alira whooped. 

Anna flinched and a shriek escaped her mouth. "JEEZ! ALI, You scared me!" she howled. 

Alira burst out laughing. Anna rolled her eyes and suddenly her notebook caught her attention. Her eyes bugged out in shock and abruptly, she closed that thing. Alira's giggles ceased and she stared at Anna who was sweat dropping. 

“What are you hiding?” Alira raised a brow. 


“Uh-huh. Okay, if you say so” Alira nodded her head in agreement, “So you locked me in the washroom.” She stepped closer to Anna and looking square into her eyes she spoke, “It was mean of you to do that to me, but I forgave you anyway.” Anna ducked her head and bit her lower lip as Ali’s gaze was making her flustered. 

Alira grabbed Anna’s chin and pulled her face up. “But not this time!” she winked at her and stepped back. 

Completely lost, Anna blankly looked at Alira who was stepping away from her with a smirk on her face. Her brows furrowed as she was well aware of this expression. However, she couldn’t understand the reason for them now. Something spring to her mind and she checked her desk, her consciousness was telling her something was missing. She looked up at Alira who was leafing through her notebook. 

“WTH! Give it back, Alira!” Anna immediately jumped to her feet.  

“I will. After I see what you are hiding” Alira looked up and started running away as Anna was about to catch her. 

“NO!” Anna screamed.

“Let me see,” Alira pouted while running. She reached the elevator area and was trying to find a place to hide. “ALIRA CAMPBELL! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” the elevated voice reached her ears. She turned her head and saw Anna approaching. “Crap!” she started running again but bumped harshly into someone. She groaned and rubbed her nose. The notebook fell from her hand. 

“Woah! Easy Miss.” Joel uttered. 

Alira froze as running into the CEO when you are having fun during the office hours is something which one would never hope for.

Joel looked at the shocked face of the girl in front of him, and he couldn't understand whether it was because of his extremely attractive personality or due to his rank in the office. 

The notebook which was lying on the floor caught his attention. His head automatically tilted as he spotted something familiar on the page which was wide open. He reached down to pick it up. 

JOEL- the page had his name all over on it. His eyes went wide and he immediately closed the notebook. Just as he closed it, his eyes found the name of the owner of that notebook- Anna Carmeil, on it in bold letters. His eye bugged out and his cheeks reddened. He felt as if his cheeks were burning and a small smile worked its way up on his face. He stood up straight and looked at Alira who was standing still with horrified expressions on her face. 

Joel shook his head to clear everything off and he pulled up his straight face. Alira gulped in fear. "Enjoy while working but please don’t hurt yourself or the others,” he said firmly. 

“Yes Sir!” she shook her head nervously. “Sorry about that. Will never do this again Sir” she added. 

“Good!” he handed the notebook to her and started walking away. Scratching his forehead, he was trying hard to suppress the smile that was ready to get etched on his face. At that very moment, his eyes met with those of Anna’s. She was looking fixedly at him. The bewildered look on her face grabbed his attention. His pace slowed down and he looked back into her eyes. 

There were no words, there were no sounds, yet something was said. Something which he knows, something which she knows.      

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