Chapter 14- Can't fight the city hall...

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***A Loud Thud***

"Who was that?", Anna turned around. "God! He looks mesmerizing that way too" she whispered under her breath. 

Adam crossed his legs and sat in the cowboy posture with one hand behind him on the floor, for support, and the other on his other raised leg. His jolly expressions changed to that of pissed ones. "What were you doing," he asked in a cold tone.

"Uh… Nothing. I was doing nothing" Anna looked away from him. The entire staff, present on the premises, was looking at the two of them with anticipation. 

"Wait a second. What were you doing?" She raised an eyebrow, not caring about what the people were thinking about her.

"What happened?" Todd came about running from afar and looked at Adam who was still sitting on the cold marbled floor. "Why are you sitting on the floor," his eyes enlarged. 

"He was mocking me and he fell," Anna said jokingly. 

"What?" Todd looked at her surprised. 

Anna couldn't understand Todd's reaction. She looked at Adam who was still sitting on the floor. "You may catch a cold like that.", she offered her hand to help him get up. 

Adam eyed her. With his burning gaze fixed on her, he took her hand and tightened his grip on it. 

"Ouch! It's hurting." She tried to free her hand from him but the grip was too strong.

Adam got up but he still didn't let go of her hand. By that time, Anna's face reddened.

"WHO.THE.HELL.ARE.YOU?" he said with gritted teeth. 

"Leave my hand" she shrieked.

"Adam, what happened?" Todd knew that something pissed Adam off badly.

Adam, while glowering at her, signaled Todd to his own wrist. "That was a souvenir.", his grip tightening on her hand.

Anna looked at his wrist. It was a greyish blue watch with a silvery bracelet around it. It's glass cracked down completely. "I am so sorry for your watch but it wasn't my fault" she stated with a trace of guilt in her voice.

"Shut up!", Adam yelled. "Not even a single word from your mouth.", he was spitting fire. "Who is she?" he turned to Todd. "In which department?"

'What is wrong with him?' Anna thought to herself. Taking a deep breath and gathering all her power, she flexed her hand which finally freed it from his grip. His fingers got etched on her discolored skin. The acute pain vexed her.  "Listen Mr. Adam. I didn't intend to do so. It was a mistake. Besides, you were the one copying me" she ranted. 

"Guys please just calm down" Todd intervened.

"Is she a newbie?" Adam, who got offended to the core, turned to Todd.

"Yes sir! She joined recently." Todd replied.

"Hey!" Adam turns to Anna. "Are you a Spy? Keeping an eye on our projects? What were you doing here, huh?" He eyed her suspiciously.

"What? No! I am not a Spy." she squeaked.

"Why were you peeping inside the CEO's room?", he stepped forward while looking deep into her eyes. 

For a second, Anna gave him a perplexed look. "Why were you copying me?" she stated with conviction and stared back into his eyes. 

Todd looked at her with his unusually enlarged eyes with a Please-Don't-Do-This look on his face.

"You think you can question me?" Adam raised his voice.

"I AM questioning you" she folded her arms in front of her chest "Why were you copying me?" 

"Do you even know who I am?" Adam did the same thing as well.

"I know you are Adam Walker" she raised her shoulders while stating the obvious. 

"That's it?" he smirked.

"For God's sake, Shut it up You two! Mr. Adam Walker and Miss Anna Carmeil, let's not act like kids here" Todd requested both of them. 

Adam's facial muscles suddenly relaxed. "Todd, please come to my room," he spoke politely. "Now please." 

Todd nodded in response. Adam left.

Todd turned to Anna, "Why are you like this ann?" 

"Yahhhhh!!! What did I do?" She pouted her lips.

Instantly, he chuckled and lightly bumped her nose with his fist. "I'll catch you later," he passed his fond smile and left.

Anna frowned at his reaction. Although she was content with whatever she did and said, still there was one thing that was making her anxious. "Why did his expression change all of a sudden when he heard my name? Is there something or I am being too much?" she mumbled.

"Well, that was a daring task that you did. Applause for that" a girl with round spectacles on her face came forward clapping her hands. She had a small round face with a decently small stature. 

"I am sorry I didn't-" 

"Recognise me?" She interrupted Anna with a smile on her face. "Well, We never met formally, so how will you? " She laughed.

"Hii! I am Lia. I work in the accounts" she offered her hand for a shake.

"Hi, Lia!" Anna took her hand. "I am Anna. I work in the production."

"So when did you join?" Lia asked.

"Yesterday Only" Anna smiled nervously.

"Oh my! And on your second day, you got into a fight with the Co-CEO!" she raised a brow in astonishment.

"Wait... Who?" Anna's face is ashen.

"Co-CEO, Adam Walker. He joined today itself" Lia stated.

"Omg!" Anna started sweating.

"So I take that you weren't aware. Well then, all the best for your future" She patted Anna's back.

"I think I am gonna need more of it" Anna sighed.

"Ok, Anna. I have to go now. Will see you around" Lia smiled.

"Yeah, I hope that we both do!" hunted expressions were all over Anna's face. 

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