Ch 24- The First Kiss...

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Anna gulped as the realization hit her hard. "You are impossible, Anna!" she cursed herself. Biting her lip anxiously, she fixed her gaze on the floor and tried to slip away before he could start scolding her. 

To her surprise, she felt someone grab her hand. Before she could even blink, she was pulled back and pinned against the wall. She looked up and her eyes met with Joel's. His gaze was intense. All her thoughts came to a halt. 

Her eyes shifted to his lips which were, a bit, parted. Her heart started hammering inside her chest. She pressed her eyes but could still feel his gaze on her, getting more and more intense with every passing second. 

Just at that moment, she felt his warm, soft palms on both of her cheeks.  She opened her eyes to debate but saw his plump lips coming closer to her. Before one could say knife, he pecked her on her lips.

If you have come this far, I believe you are beginning to see the potential in my story. I deeply, whole-heartedly appreciate it and no 'thank you' can actually express how grateful I am. The latest chapter of this book have been published on 'Webnovel' app. The name and the cover are exactly that same there. Please don't hate me for locking the chapters, but a person got to eat.

Once again, Thank You with the core of ny heart. I hope of seeing you on Webnovel. Take care!

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