Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V:

You stand in front of Piper's house with your pillow and sleeping bag tucked under your right arm ready for the sleep over. You take a deep breath and knock on the door.

Annabeth opened with a huge smile on her face. "(Y/N), I'm so glad you made it!" She said pulling you in a hug. You tensed and she let go, from your brother Percy, she knows you don't like physical contact.

"Me too." You said leaning into the hug then pulling away. She steps aside to let you into the room.

You looked at the room you'll be sleeping in. It was filled with Reyna, Hazel, Piper and Annabeth's sleeping bags arranged in front of the TV. 

 There were blankets and pillows set up. Reyna's sleeping bag, then Hazel's, then Piper's, then Annabeth's.

Walking in, you set up your sleeping bag and pillow in the space available next to Annabeth.

You unravel and smooth out the sleeping bag and push up the pillow just as Piper, Hazel and Reyna walk in.

"(Y/N) are you excited?" Hazel asks bouncing up and down on her heels, this is her first sleep over.

"Totally." You give her a big smile.

Piper and Reyna hug you. "Thanks for coming." 

You hug back. "Anytime."  

The other day, Hazel had told you about the sleep over Piper and Annabeth were planning and they invited you two and Reyna.

At first you declined because you weren't so much into girly things like sleepovers. You were a tomboy so yeah.

After hours of them begging you, you grudgingly agreed.

And so here you were scared out of your mind because you knew they liked sappy movies and cried a lot.

That's why you and your best friend Nico di Angelo got along so well. You both liked most of the same things...and suffered the same losses and loneliness but both gained a friend.

All the questions and stories about boys and love. It was crazy. You had secrets and you were extremely worried they were about to be revealed.

You fidgeted on the edge of your sleeping bag the whole night and bit your nails out of nervousness. Nothing too crazy so far.

They decided to put on some sappy movies and Bollywood movies, those weren't too bad the Hindi ones, especially the ones with lots of fighting.

But during the sad ones the 4 girls went through 4 boxes of tissues with all their crying, you went through one with fake crying mainly cause you watched those movies already.

You pretended to fake cry as much as they were crying and probably wasted a whole lot of tissues fake crying invisible tears.

They ate dinner which consisted of pizza, pizza, pizza and more pizza.

After playing light hearted games like monopoly, uno, jenga and 30 seconds Reyna brought up the subject you'd been dreading most. She stared at you with a thoughtful look on her face.

She turned to you. "(Y/N), we're all in relationships except me of course but  now that I think about it..."

Don't say it. Please shut the fuck up and stop talking, please stop talking....

"You haven't told us who you like." Hazel finished her sentence for her.

You gulped. Why were you so scared about your crush? Because it was your best friend, oh let me correct that. Your gay best friend.

Yes, you knew he was gay because Annabeth told you when he told Percy he used to have a crush on him. Your heart shattered into pieces right then and there. 

Annabeth was the only one who knew about your crush, she looked at you apologetically.

"Yeah, who do you like?" Piper asked turning to face you.

"U-uh because I don't like anyone that's why." 'Fuck I'm toast,' 'More like, burnt toast.' 'Shut up me.'

It was dead silence until Piper stood up and pointed at you. "LIES!" She shouted causing all of you to jump in fright.

Your face got red from embarrassment and shame. "H-honestly I don't like anyone I swear!"

Reyna patted the seat next to her motioning for Piper to sit back next to her and she did. Hale put a hand on your shoulder. "Come on (Y/N), you can tell us."

You looked up fighting back tears. "I-I like Leo Valdez." Great. Just great you dragged your other best friend into this.

"I knew it!" Piper said pumping her fist in the air. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Oh that must be the boys." She said getting up and running to the door. Your eyes went wide.

"You invited the boys?!" You nearly yelled.

"(Y/N), calm down Leo's not going to be here." Reyna said.

You were breathing heavily but tried to remain calm to hide your real reason. Sure enough Nico was there looking like the grouch but his face lit up when he saw you.

A stupid crush: Nico di Angelo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now