Chapter 8

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You looked away. Your face was reddening the more you realized what you had done. You had confessed your love to Nico.

You told him about your stupid crush. That's all it was! Just a little stupid crush. Nothing more than  a small attraction to one of your best friends.





Wrong. You told yourself.

It wasn't a stupid little crush like you made it out to be. You LOVED him. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him.

You want him in your arms, you want his head on your shoulder, his lips on yours, on your cheek when you woke up in the morning. You want to be MORE than best friends.

You can't sit and watch him date other boys, you just couldn't do it.

All those thoughts ran through your head as you sat there. Your back to him. Fear of what he might think of you. But passion for who you were and who you loved ran through your hot blood.

The silence was unbearable. What was he thinking? You had to say something.

Without turning around you said. "I love you Nico. I really do. I know you don't feel the same and it's clear you're taken so I'll leave."

With that you got of the couch and walked towards the door.

Parts of you thought. "Turn back! They yelled. "Kiss him (Y/N)! Don't just leave! It's your only chance!"

But the rest of you rebelled. "If Nico has the slightest bit of love towards you, he won't let you go."

So you listened to that part of you. Holding your head high as you walked to the front door. Every single one of your footsteps was like a cannon in the dead silence.

Your breathings was like strong winds but both were different. His seemed to be calm and steady while yours was ragged and heavy.

Time slowed down the closer you got to that goddam door, which seemed to symbolize  you abandoning your love if you walked through it.

As you floated through the never ending walk, the part of you that rebelled started to get worried.

"STOP ME!" They yelled at Nico. "GET UP AND STOP ME! SAY SOMETHING!"

You blocked them out as you finally reached the door. Time seemed to return back to normal.

You barely twisted the knob 90 degrees when Nico grabbed your hand saying. "(Y/N), wait."

You stood there, still facing the door. Shocked that he did it. He stopped you. Since he didn't do anything next so you realized he wanted you to face him.

So you turned around, looking into his soft dark eyes he said. "D-do you really f-feel that way? Do you really love me?"

A tear drop fell from his eyes, like a water droplet from an empty well. "Yes, with all my heart."

He began crying and fell into your arms. He wrapped his own around your waist and he buried his head in your chest.

You stood like that for a few minutes before you finally wrapped your arms around him tightly. "Why are you crying?" You half asked-half sobbed because him crying was making you cry.

He looked up at you and said. "I'm crying because you love me, you really do, and I love you. You've been my crush forever and you love me. You've shown more love to me than Will has in the last few months."

He went back to sobbing in your chest as he said. "I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

A stupid crush: Nico di Angelo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now