Chapter 17

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You woke up to horrible, unbareble pain in your chest and lungs.

No, duh, dumb bitch, you just plummated into ice-cold water from 100 feet.
Obviously you're gonna have trouble breathing.

You opened your eyes and saw a woman standing over you, she must be a medic. You cans ee flashlights from an amublance parked next to the pavement, in the above street. She's checking your pulse while a man puts a neck brace around your neck.

You chuckled weakly.
A broken neck and broken arm.

You realized your head is in Leo's lap. She's running her fingers through your hair. You can hear him sobbing and feel his body shaking from it. You lift your hand over your head to reach for Leo's hand. It's warm despite the freezing cold air. His hand touch sends warmth through your body.

"(Y-Y-Y-Y/N)?" He asks through sobs. "What the hell were you thinking?!" He lightly slaps your face.

"I-I-I made a mistake," your chest hurt really bad speaking. "I couldn't bare to live with it,"

"You didn't have to kill yourself!"

"Maybe not," you replied weakly.

The woman who was checking your pulse earlier, walks over to Leo. "Are you her friend?" She asks nodding her head towards you.

"Yes," he replied.

"Well, you're the closest thing to family she has right now, I need to speak to you,"

"okay," Leo says, he grabs your cheeks slowly lowering your head to the ground, then slowly stands up and they walk to the side.

You can hear them whispering. Leo seems worried and sad, he starts crying again. The woman grabs Leo by the shoulders and he nods.

They come back over. "I'm going to die, aren't I?" you ask trying to ignore the immense pain in your body and chest every time you talked.

Leo goes back to sitting beside you. He places your head back in his lap. He nods. "That's what you wanted right?"

You feel your chest swelling, the pain becomes bigger and your breathing becomes more ragged. You sea flashes of white in your vision and you start to sweat. "I-I don't think I have much time left."

"No." Leo whispers, he cries even more.

You're slipping from this life. Everything starts to fade. Just before you black out again, Leo leans over and kisses you. "I love you," He whispers.

I wish, you think as you look up at the stars. that I could go back to lunch and do it all over again.

Everything goes black.


"Jeez, you look like you just got your heart broken." You hear.

You look over and see Nico, you're in his car. You look down at yourself, no broken arm.

Somehow your wish was granted. You've been sent back to this day. A do-over.

"Lighten up, I can't wait for you to meet him." Nico got out of the car and in your shock, you followed him.

You walked into the restuarant and there sat Will, smiling bright and walked over to you. "Hey, (Y/N/N)," Will said.

You've been given a chance for a reason. You've been given a chance to make this right. 
Sure, you and Nico wouldn't be a thing, at least, for now.

While he had a secret crush on you, and you on her, he's with Will, you can't take that away from him.

And this time. . .you stayed through the whole of the lunch.

A stupid crush: Nico di Angelo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now