Chapter 1~The Beginning

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"Long ago, at this very lake, there were four clans. These very clans, actually, are the ancestors of you!" The elder spoke to the young kit.

"Wow!" The kit exclaimed.

"It all started when the clans came to the lake." The elder continued, "The gre—"

"Wait! We don't wanna listen to this story again! We wanna hear about how the great clans died." the elderly she-cat was interrupted by the eager kit.

"Yeah!" The other two kits exclaimed.

"Alright, Alright," the she-cat sighed. "You see, after the great battle something very bad happened. Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and Shadowclan were faced with a great threat. It was a threat from Mother Nature itself. A great storm hit their territory. Something none of the clans have ever seen. This storm is too hard to explain.

"Let's just say, you'd be lucky to make it out of there alive." The elder hissed, as the kits squealed.

"Your ancestors were very lucky to be alive. They were wounded, but they were alive. The land was brutally wounded, the trees were ripped out of the ground. The grasslands were the least wounded but it still had scars." The she-cat rasped.

"What clan were we originally from again?" One of the kits piped up.

"The clan we originated from is Windclan." The elder explained, "The fastest, smallest, and the smartest."

The elder continued on, "There were eight cats that survived the storm. Two from each clan. The two cats that survived from Windclan were young cats. They decided to create Grassclan, the clan you live in today.

"Now that our clan has grown, I'd say we are the best clan around the lake today!" The she-cat finished.

Frosttail blinked in awe. Even though she's heard the story of the clans a million times, she still found it amazing. Russetlight always found a way to tell the story really well.

Frosttail finished up with the bedding and decided to guide Sandflight's kits out of the elders den.

"Thank you, Russetlight!" One of the kits called back as she guided them through the entrance.

"It's getting late now, you guys should be going to bed." Frosttail meowed gently. One of the kits yawned in reply.

As soon as Frosttail was finished returning the kits, she headed over to the fresh-kill pile. She picked up a small plump hare and laid down in the moorland grass and dug in. She hadn't eaten all day. But still she ate it slowly, making sure to savor the taste of her prey. She looked to the sunset as she ate her prey. She was enjoying the beautiful sunset until a deep meow interrupted it.

"May I sit beside you?" Brownfeather, the deputy, asked.

Frosttail gave her beautiful white pelt with light grey spots a shake before turning to face him. "Sure." She mewed.

I just want to enjoy the sunset, why does he have to come and ruin it? Frosttail thought, annoyed.

Brownfeather settled down beside her, his handsome light brown pelt barely touching hers. He looked to the sunset and then turned back to her.

Gazing into her ice blue eyes, he meowed, "The sunset is beautiful."

Frosttail gazed into his dark blue eyes a moment longer before looking to the ground and replying, "Yeah..." When she looked back up he was gazing back into the sunset. She gave a sigh of relief. She got nervous around him. Not because she liked him or anything, but because he was the deputy and she's only been a warrior for six moons. Frosttail began eating her prey again. She didn't like any of the toms in the clan, they just didn't appeal to her.

I would like Brownfeather if he wasn't such a player and jerk! She thought.

Brownfeather's tail drifted over to touch her flank, and that's when she started to feel uncomfortable.

"I... erm... got to go," Frosttail said awkwardly as he swung his head around to face her. She got up and padded through the entrance stiffly. She needed to go hunting so she could clear her mind.

As Frosttail ran through the moorland grass, she felt free. And for a moment she forgot about all her worries. She had a successful hunt. But that's only because it's greenleaf. She catches three plump rabbits. Frosttail actually is really good at fighting, that's her talent.

As she pads back, she looks up to the moon to see it's moonhigh. When she gets to the entrance, she nods to Lightblaze who is on guard. She discards her catch on the fresh-kill pile in the middle of the clearing and heads over to the warrior's den.

As Frosttail settled down into her nest, she thought about the start of the clans. Who were the two survivors of Windclan?

~~~~~Hello everyone! I am not popular at all, but I will try and update this weekly. This is mainly for fun and stuff like that. But thank you so so so so much if you do read this. Please give me feedback in the comments and I will listen. But anyway until next time! Bai~~~~~~~~~~

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