Chapter 14~Frosttail's painful fate

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Frosttail's head throbbed, causing her to yowl with pain. She had never felt this much agony before in her life. Frosttail tried opening her eyes but everything was blurry around her. She just decided that it was better to use her nose and ears to discover her surroundings.

She sniffed deeply and realized with a jolt that she was in BlossomClan camp. Oh no! I remember what happened. Frosttail thought as the frightful events came flowing back through her brain.

She was lying on a rock, it felt warm beneath her, coming from the new-leaf sun. Frosttail tried getting up but she was weak, and her body was sore from lying on the rock.

She flopped back down, her limbs drowsy. Frosttail was falling asleep when she felt a sharp prod in her side.

She jerked awake, this time opening her eyes. Although she had to blink a few times before her vision wasn't blurry anymore. The cat who had awoken her was Oatblaze, a cream-colored tom. He was scowling at her, his eyes full of disgust and hatred.

Frosttail returned the glare defiantly.

"Frosttail." A demanding voice sounded across the clearing. Oatblaze snapped his gaze over to it. Frosttail followed more slowly. She spotted Poppystar, the BlossomClan leader, sitting on a tall rock. Her tail flicked back and forth slowly, showing how calm she was. Frosttail tried to read her gaze but it was unreadable.

Poppystar was a beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat, if Frosttail were thinking about beauty at that moment she would've been jealous.

The white she-cat gulped nervously, she felt someone nudge her from behind.

"Go," Oatblaze grunted as he nudged her forward.

Numbly, Frosttail started walking forward. She glanced around at all of the Clan cats that were around her. All of their gazes were hostile and cold. She spotted Amberpelt in the crowd of cats, the amber she-cats head was bowed with grief.

Frosttail felt a little guilt come into her heart, but she pushed it away. She didn't need to feel guilty. She needed to kill, it made her feel ecstasy run throughout her pelt.

But ecstasy wasn't running through her pelt today. She padded onward, her heart beating faster as she neared the rock.

Once she stopped in front of the rock, Poppystar mewed, "Cats of BlossomClan, as you know, we are gathered here because of this cat." Poppystar gestured toward Frosttail coldly, "Killed Silverflame for no fair reason at all."

Immediately, the whole Clan broke out in yowls of outrage and hatred. Oatblaze, who was sitting beside Frosttail, hissed with hostility.

Frosttail shrank inside of her pelt, she now regretted killing the silver tom horribly.

"What are you gonna do?"

"We should kill her!"

"No, banish her from the Clans!"

Caterwauls broke out among the Clan, all of them not sounding good for Frosttail's fate. She looked at her paws, shame sweeping through her. She shuffled her paws around as the yowling grew louder.

"Hush!" Poppystar yowled, then added, "Amberpelt has already represented the solution to this murderer."

The clearing grew silent with curiosity, it grew even more as Amberpelt stepped out from the group of cats. Nearing Frosttail, the white she-cat looked up, terror screaming inside of her.

Amberpelt cleared her throat. "We should take her to the next gathering, which is tonight. Then we should tell all of the Clans about her and make her admit to them that she is the one killing all of the cats! And if Seedstar has sense, he'll banish her from the Clan." Amberpelt concluded, looking proud of the idea she had come up with.

Forbidden Love-I Killed them all...~~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now