Chapter 13~Failure is not okay

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Frosttail stalked through BlossomClan territory, pausing if she ever heard a noise. Her heart beating faster and faster as she drew closer to the camp.

Frosttail had always hated the stupid Clan, they were mostly she-cats who live in a flower field. She loves when she-cats are in power but these cats were evil, pure evil. There were some toms in BlossomClan but they are also evil. The whole Clan likes to lure cats in by their looks and they keep them as slaves for their Clan. BlossomClan is the biggest out of the Clans, but no one knew that BlossomClan did this. Only Frosttail knew because while she was killing some of the BlossomClan cats, she had overheard them talking about their next victim to lure in. But Frosttail wasn't going to give away their secret, she wouldn't do that because then she would look suspicious.

Frosttail stalked through the colony of tulips cautiously, sniffing the air. She suddenly froze, she heard footsteps. Two sets of footsteps were coming her way. Her heart stopped as one of them stopped.

"Do you smell that?" Frosttail recognized Amberpelt's pretty voice. Amberpelt sounded so sweet and innocent, but Frosttail knew she was vicious in battle.

Frosttail's heart leaped to her throat as she recognized Silverflame's heavy swaggering walk heading straight toward her.

She blinked in recognition as she thought of how Silverflame was the cat that she planned to kill. In order to not get caught, Frosttail knew she had to attack them and get the element of surprise on her side.

Frosttail shifted into her hunter's crouch, wiggling her hindquarter's as Silverflame's stunning silver fur came into view.

As she saw Silverflame's ice-blue eyes, she sprang and landed squarely on his back. Frosttail growled with glee as she heard the silver tabby tom's hiss of shock and bewilderment. Frosttail quickly bit down into the back of his neck. But Silverflame was strong, he started bucking wildly and threw Frosttail off. The white she-cat landed with a thud, winding her. Silverflame looked around with rage, he spotted Frosttail and he dug his claws in to get purchase as he boosted off and took off toward her. She gasped with terror as the silver tom bore down on her and pounced on her, pinning her down. Frosttail struggled feebly.

"You weak GrassClan cat," He spat in her face, his face contorted with anger.

"I'm not weak." Frosttail hissed, surprised that it was steady.

Silverflame just laughed in reply, making his focus weaker, so Frosttail took that chance. She slipped her paw out of his strong grasp and flicked a claw across his throat.

He immediately stopped laughing. His gaze widened in pain as blood spilled out of his wound. It poured on Frosttail, staining her chest fur bright red. Frosttail's tail flicked with glee as he slumped across her chest. She pushed his heavy body off, gasping at the weight of his body.

Frosttail stood up and watched as his eyes went dull. She started purring menacingly, her heart thumping with ecstasy that she had killed another cat.

But suddenly a weight slammed into her side, carrying off her paws. Frosttail lay sprawled on the ground, dazed, shaking her head as she tried getting her senses back. She struggled to get up, but then the weight slammed her to the ground again, making her even more dazed. Something pinned her down, and Frosttail sniffed so she could see who it was.

Amberpelt! Frosttail jerked as she realized she had been too focused on her kill that she had totally forgotten about the amber she-cat.

"What have you done?" Amberpelt hissed in her ear, her voice thick with grief and rage.

"I-" Frosttail broke off as agony scorched her side, she yowled in pain as she felt Amberpelt dig in deep with her claw.

"Please stop!" Frosttail yowled as the pain became too much to bare.

Amberpelt stopped, but she didn't stop pinning her down. "You shouldn't have killed him!" Amberpelt spat. Frosttail could feel the she-cat shaking with horror.

Frosttail hissed in exasperation and purred, "I can do what I like, flea-pelt."

Amberpelt dug her claws into the white she-cat's legs with rage. Frosttail mewed desperately as the pain clouded her thoughts.

"You're the one behind all the missing cats, aren't you?" Amberpelt hissed questioningly at her. Frosttail's heart stopped as she realized she had been discovered. "I won't stop until you admit you're the one." The amber she-cat meowed angrily.

Frosttail couldn't take anymore. "Fine! I am!" She yowled.

Amberpelt hissed in satisfaction. "I knew it! Now you will face humiliation against all the Clans. You will pay for what you did to Silverflame." Her voice dropped to a whisper at the last sentence.

Frosttail started to struggle desperately, but it was no use. She felt pain in the side of her head, then everything went black.

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