Chapter 7~Old Rivalries

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Frosttail settled down in the late afternoon sun, basking on a very warm patch of grass. Her "mate" was out hunting. Her heart warmed at the thought of Brownfeather. His handsome light brown fur, his forest-green eyes. She realized that she was starting to fall for him.

But her heart still ached from Oakfur.

She tensed from the thought of him. But she relaxed once she saw Brownfeather walking in with a small plump hare.

Her kits were due any day now, her belly getting in the way of everyday life.

Brownfeather stopped in the middle of the camp and looked around. His eyes lit up with warmth when he saw her. He bounded over swiftly.

"I got this just for you," He put down the plump hare right in front of her. Licking her head affectionately.

"Thank you!" Frosttail thanked him gratefully, her belly rumbling hungrily.

"Anything for a beautiful she-cat like you." Brownfeather purred as he settled down next to her, grooming some of the moorland grass out of his pelt.

Frosttail sat up and started digging into the hare. Enjoying every single last bite she could.

Once she was finished, she licked her lips. The leaf-fall breeze picked up, making Frosttail shiver a little.

Brownfeather looked up from his grooming, his eyes sparkling with worry for her as she shivered.

"We should probably get you to the nursery." The handsome tom mewed, getting up and stretching. He nudged Frosttail until she was standing. She murmured gratefully as he helped her to the nursery.

As she was settling down, Brownfeather started grooming her.

"Brownfeather... you should get to your nest. You have the dawn patrol tomorrow," Frosttail meowed.

Her mate pricked up his ears. "I do. But I want to stay with you." Brownfeather nuzzled her affectionately.

Frosttail purred gratefully for his warmth.

As the sun started to set, Brownfeather left for his nest. And Frosttail was left alone in the nursery. None of the other she-cats had offered to stay with her while she was waiting for her kits.

She sighed as she couldn't fall asleep. She was growing more and more restless as the night slowly drew by.

Frosttail gave an annoyed snort and finally decided she needed some fresh air. She padded through the nursery entrance, glancing to see that it was moon-high.

I should go for a walk near the TreeClan border. Frosttail thought. Maybe she would see Oakfur there. Frosttail got angry at herself for thinking of the mange-pelt. But something deep inside her still wanted the TreeClan tom. She shook out her fur before she went through the dirtplace tunnel.

Frosttail sniffed cautiously. Why am I being so cautious? I'm not sneaking out to meet Oakfur or anything like that... Frosttail shook out her pelt once again.

Frosttail convinced herself that she was just patrolling the border. That's it.

She sniffed some bushes suspiciously and realized it was just a fox that went deeper into TreeClan territory.

Frosttail started to puff when she neared the stream. Expecting kits was not easy. The weight was heavy, she felt like she was carrying tons of weight.

Frosttail slowed her pace to a slow walk as she was walking by the stream.

Her ears flicked up when she thought she heard something coming from across the stream. Frosttail ducked behind some gorse immediately, listening to the cats.

" would never catch that!" A she-cat exclaimed, purring in amusement.

Pawsteps were nearing the stream. Two sets of them.

"I definitely would." A very familiar voice boasted. Frosttail's heart ached from this particular voice. Oakfur.

Frosttail cautiously peered out from the bush. She could see both of them clearly in the moonlight.

Oakfur was with a pretty she-cat. The she-cat had gorgeous markings, with light brown fur. Frosttail didn't understand how she looked so gorgeous when she was just simply brown. Her light brown eyes sparkled with laughter as Oakfur still joked with her.

Frosttail burned with intense jealousy. But why? She had a loving mate back at her Clan. Frosttail's heart hurt from the familiar sadness she usually experienced when she thought of Oakfur.

She flicked her attention back to them when Oakfur got up and started grooming the pretty she-cat. Frosttail's gaze started to be overrun with jealousy and rage.

"Cherrybranch?" Oakfur scooted back.

So that was her name? It made her seem perfect.

"Yes?" Cherrybranch asked, her tail flicking with curiosity.

Oakfur looked across the stream, and replied, "How about we get into some mischief and go into GrassClan territory." Cherrybranch's eyes widened in surprise at the idea.

Frosttail's heart began to race. Why would they do such a thing? Just for fun? Frosttail's rage only grew more from that.

"I don't know..." the brown she-cat mewed uncertainly.

"Oh come on, Cherrybranch!" Oakfur urged her on.

Cherrybranch hesitated. "Fine, but only for you." She gave in.

Frosttail wouldn't let that happen. This was her territory and she would protect her Clan from arrogant fur balls like these.

Frosttail sprang out from behind her bush and jumped across the stream. She screeched angrily.

"What do you think you're doing?" 

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