Chapter 11~Emptiness

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"Cherrybranch is missing, we haven't seen her in half a moon. We have sent out several search patrols, every single one coming up with no trace of her." Ravenstar, the TreeClan leader mewed sadly. The gathering of cats under the full moon murmured in shock and sadness.

Frosttail silently celebrated in her head, she had successfully covered up her tracks. But she tried her best to put on a face of sympathy. It wasn't easy.

She looked over to where Oakfur was sitting in a group of BlossomClan and TreeClan warriors. His head was bowed with grief and confusion. He shook his head in puzzlement, twitching his ears in shock.

Frosttail could see that he was confused about where Cherrybranch had disappeared to. Oakfur clearly had mixed feelings about his mate's disappearance.

Meanwhile, Frosttail had her own victories. It was her kits first gathering, she glanced over in their direction. Emberpaw and Flamepaw had their heads bowed in sympathy and surprise. But they still had a slight glow of awe and pride in their eyes.

Frosttail purred with pride, life was good.

The gathering flew by after the terrible announcement. Frosttail said goodbye to Troutshadow, a young DewClan tom that had just been named a warrior. She trotted over to Brownfeather, who was already heading to the tree to cross off of the island. She pressed up against his side, he greeted her with a nuzzle.

They entered GrassClan camp together, she purred as he curled around her. Providing his warmth to Frosttail in the cold leaf-bare night.

. . .

Frosttail settled down into the warm new-leaf sunshine, purring as the morning sun warmed her white fur.

It had been a few moons since Cherrybranch's 'disappearance'. Frosttail hissed under her breath with satisfaction and menace. No cat would mess with her like that ever again.

But Frosttail had had this weird sense of emptiness in her stomach ever since she killed the TreeClan cat. She blinked with confusion, she had a very good life.

Frosttail searched her mind for why she felt this way but came up with nothing. She really wanted to solve this mystery, she had been feeling depressed and it had been messing up her performance for her Clan. And cats had been noticing.

Frosttail's ears pricked up with realization. She had realized that whenever she thought of her kill, her depression went away.

She knew what she had to do.

Frosttail stalked behind Owlfang, making sure she wasn't heard. Owlfang was walking alone in the moorland, purring at the nice dusk breeze. She picked up her pace until she was running. Frosttail quickly started running silently, making sure she was as quiet as a mouse.

Owlfang's tail flicked with delight as the wind picked up, she started running towards the only tree that was on their territory. It was near the back of the territory.

Owlfang slowed down when she neared the tree, Frosttail quickly ducked behind a gorse bush, checking to make sure the air was downwind. She mewed quietly with relief when the air was blowing toward her. Oakfur turned towards her, but she looked up at the sky.

Her eyes glowed with awe as she looked up at the stars.

Frosttail saw Owlfang close her eyes, mumbling something. The white she-cat took that as her chance. She bounded out silently, she sprang onto Owlfang.

All Owlfang saw was Frosttail's fierce face as she pounced onto her. Then everything went black for the gray she-cat who wanted to become closer to her ancestors.

Forbidden Love-I Killed them all...~~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now