Chapter 2~The Encounter

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Frosttail staggered out into the sunshine, yawning and stretching in the bright morning sunshine. She blinked her eyes to adjust to the bright sun that was shining down on the GrassClan camp. Antwing was settling down by the fresh-kill pile with a plump hare. Bluekit and Moonkit were chasing a butterfly around the camp, bumping into warriors feet in doing so. Their mother, Snake-eye, dozing right outside the nursery with one eye open to watch them.

Frosttail snorted in amusement as Bluekit tripped Brownfeather. Brownfeather landed with a big thump onto the ground. Slowly he got up and shook his head in irritation.

"Sorry..." Bluekit apologized bluntly, then ran off.

"It's fine." Brownfeather hissed, annoyed. He looked up to see Frosttail looking at him in amusement. He ducked his head in embarrassment. Frosttail giggled at that.

Frosttail walked over to the fresh-kill pile, and looked over her shoulder to see where Brownfeather was going. At first he took a step toward her, but when he saw she was watching him he immediately turned to a few gossiping she-cats and started flirting with them. Frosttail snorted in annoyance.

"Are you jealous?" A voice from behind her scared her. She swung her head around to see that it was only her mother, Antwing.

"Of course not!" Frosttail exclaimed as her mother came to sit at her side.

"Well, when he didn't come over to eat with you, you looked annoyed," Antwing meowed in amusement.

Frosttail gave a hiss of irritation then replied, "No, he is just so confusing! One moment he is flirting with me, then the next he's flirting with two other she-cats," She dug her claws into the ground.

"This sounds like a case of jealousy," Antwing mewed wisely.

"No, I'm not interested in him!" Frosttail hissed.

Her mother sighed, then dropped the subject. "Here, share this hare with me." Antwing offered as she pushed the half-eaten hare over to her. Frosttail sniffed the hare stubbornly, but then gave into her hunger.

"Well, is there any tom that interests you?" Antwing dropped the question randomly.

Frosttail looked at her mother in annoyance, but then realized she was being a little over dramatic. "No, all of them are flea-brains," Frosttail replied honestly.

"You'll like someone eventually." Antwing mewed and got up to head over to the senior warriors.

I doubt that, Frosttail thought stubbornly. She gulped down the rest of the hare and walked over to where Brownfeather was assigning patrols.

"I want Wildleaf and Frosttail on Dusk patrol with me." Brownfeather mewed commandingly.

Oh great, now I'm on patrol with this mouse-brain. Frosttail thought.


Dusk had finally arrived, Wildleaf and Frosttail were waiting for Brownfeather.

Frosttail had hunted all day for her Clan, she just needed it to get her mind off the conversation she had with her mother that morning. She had caught 1 humongous hare, which her clan welcomed her back gratefully.

"Hey ladies." Frosttail was snapped out of her thoughts when Brownfeather walked up to them. Wildleaf just blinked at him, unimpressed. Frosttail sighed in exasperation as they moved through the the camp entrance, Brownfeather in the lead.

At least there's another she-cat that understands how stupid Brownfeather is! Frosttail thought.

They were patrolling the TreeClan border tonight. They were the Clan that descended from ThunderClan.

As they neared the border, Brownfeather signaled to stop. Frosttail crouched low to the ground, her pelt itching with curiousity.

A russet-colored pelt flashed through the moorland grass, it leaped and pounced on something. It's ear twitched in triumph as it held up a small, scrawny rabbit.

A twig snapped under Wildleaf's paw. Dark green eyes shone in their direction. The cat raced away with its catch, the patrol chased after them. But they slammed to a halt once the cat was over the border. Frosttail panted in frustration. She almost had her!

For a moment the cat was hiding in the bushes. Until Brownfeather hissed, "Come out you fox-heart!"

A russet-colored she-cat stepped out of the bush. Frosttail recognized her as Flamepelt.

"What do you want?" Flamepelt hissed threateningly.

"We're wondering why there is TreeClan scent on our side of the border." Brownfeather meowed menacingly.

"Yeah, why are you stealing our prey?" Wildleaf mewed.

"What do you mean? That rabbit just strayed over the border," Flamepelt picked at her claw casually.

Frosttail stepped right onto the border and hissed, "You're lying! You prey-stealer!"

Flamepelt got angry, she stepped until her nose was a whisker-length away from Frosttail's.

"Oh yeah? You're the only prey-stealer around here!" Flamepelt snarled.

~~~~Hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I got kinda lazy at the end XD. Sorry about that, but anyway I'll write chapter 3 soon!~~~~

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