Chapter 10~The Kill

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"Emberpaw! Flamepaw!" The Clan cheered excitedly, Emberpaw and Flamepaw's heads were raised proudly as they took in their Clan's enthusiasm.

Frosttail purred with pride, Brownfeather cheering the loudest beside her.

Emberpaw and Flamepaw bounded excitedly over to their only apprentice right now, Hazelpaw. A dark brown she-cat with white on her chest and tail-tip, with black paws and light brown stripes.

Frosttail's heart burst with affection, she had been feeling very happy ever since her kits were born.

Even if they were half TreeClan.

Her gaze instantly darkened as she thought of her kit's father, Oakfur. And his stupid mate, Cherrybranch.

Frosttail was snapped out of her trance when she was called for sun-high border patrol. She called that she was coming, this was her chance to check TreeClan's borders.

She raced over to the patrol, the cats on patrol were Swiftwhisker, Antpelt, and Shadowfur. They all pawed the ground impatiently, looking up at the sun every now and then. Antpelt signaled with her tail for them to leave. The patrol set off at a trot, fluffing out their short coat's against the cold leaf-bare air.

"Which border are we patrolling?" Raveneye asked, a swift urgency making her catch up with Antpelt.

"Why do you ask? I was thinking we would patrol DewClan's borders," Antpelt kept her gaze in front of her as she started their route to DewClan's border.

Frosttail's tail drooped in disappointment, her head drooping. I need to check TreeClan's border! She dropped back to the back of the patrol, trying to think of a way to tell her mother that they need to patrol TreeClan's border.

Her tail went up with enthusiasm when she got an idea. She quickened her pace until it was matching Antpelt's. "But I smelled their scents over the border when I was hunting at dawn." She mewed desperately.

Her mother's ears pricked up with interest. "You should have told Seedstar," Antpelt told her daughter.

"I know..." Frosttail trailed off uncertainly. She then asked hopefully, "So are we going back to the TreeClan border?"

"No, there have been reports of half-eaten rabbits on our side of the border with DewClan scent all over it," Antpelt reported, flicking her tail importantly.

"Oh... I guess TreeClan will have to wait." The white she-cat meowed blankly.

Frosttail dropped to the back of the patrol disappointedly. She needed to start planning her execution on Cherrybranch. Maybe she could set TreeClan up...

Frosttail's ears went up as the idea came to her.

. . .

Frosttail set the rabbit down a fox-length away from the border on GrassClan's side evilly. She purred menacingly as she set it perfectly.

Now all she needed to do was wait for Oakfur and Cherrybranch to come out. They should be coming at any time because it was moon-high.

She hid behind some gorse and settled down, her ears pricked for any pawsteps.

Frosttail's heart started pounding as she heard two sets of pawsteps approach the border. It was definitely Cherrybranch and Oakfur, she changed her position into a crouching position. She needed to make sure she didn't mess this up. Hopefully, they would take the bait and see the rabbit.

"Hey, is that prey?"Oakfur's deep voice had the hint of longing in it.

She heard Cherrybranch shuffle around to get a better look. Cherrybranch's gasp of surprise was also filled with longing. Raveneye smiled as she thought of taking that stupid brown she-cat's life.

"Why would they leave that there?" Cherrybranch questioned curiously.

"I don't know, maybe they forgot it." Oakfur meowed, clueless of what was gonna happen.

Oh, I'm just gonna attack you, that's all. Frosttail thought gleefully.

She heard a splash coming from the stream, then she heard a second splash. She purred silently in victory. Frosttail smelled Oakfur's and Cherrybranch's scent as they crossed the border.

She could see them now, she stalked closer to them from behind them. Oakfur was sniffing the rabbit cautiously now, meowing in satisfaction when it didn't smell bad. Cherrybranch peered at it in curiosity. Purring in satisfaction when nothing seemed wrong with it.

Frosttail stalked closer and closer like they were prey. She crouched, preparing to spring onto the tom that was a few fox-lengths ahead of her.

She sprang and landed on his back squarely, hissing with satisfaction. Frosttail latched onto him like a leech. She bit down on the back of his neck before he could react. He stiffened with surprise, he started bucking like a wild bronco.

Cherrybranch yowled in surprise as this was all happening. Oakfur hissed in shock and fear as he couldn't get her off.

Frosttail hissed in his ear, "You shouldn't have done what you did!"

She sprang off of him so she was facing him. His eyes were lit up with rage and shock. Cherrybranch was standing there, panic freezing her from doing anything.

"You fox-heart!" Oakfur yowled with anger.

He crouched to spring, but Frosttail didn't give him the chance. She took off in the direction of unowned land. Frosttail hissed with satisfaction when she heard the big tom's pawsteps behind her.

"Stay there, Cherrybranch!" The brown tom yowled back to the pretty TreeClan cat.

Frosttail's heart leaped with glee as her plan worked perfectly. She glanced behind her to see Oakfur in hot pursuit.

Frosttail drew ahead into the unknown territory. But she knew this territory from scouting it out earlier that day after the sun-high patrol. Oakfur was still chasing her.

Frosttail recognized the dark entrance of the tunnel that would lead to the spot Cherrybranch was in. Frosttail dived under a bramble bush, so she could throw Oakfur off. She easily maneuvered through the bush, due to her smaller size.

Oakfur spat in fury as she left him in the dust. She purred in amusement as she left him behind. She dived into the tunnel. Frosttail had worked it out, it was an old fox den that leads right back to where Cherrybranch was waiting. Waiting to be killed.

Frosttail saw light up ahead of her and she slowed down, making sure she was silent. Once she made it to the exit of the tunnel, she paused. Looking around she spotted the brown tabby. She hissed with excitement, rage, and menace flooding her gaze.

Cherrybranch was pacing around anxiously, peering every so often in the direction Frosttail had lead Oakfur.

She turned her back on Frosttail, the white she-cat took that chance and sprang out of the tunnel. She sprang onto the brown she-cat, biting down hard on the back of her neck.

Cherrybranch's cry of pain was cut short as Frosttail took the life out of her.

Frosttail hopped off of her, blood pooling at her paws, staining her paws bright red. Frosttail laughed with glee, purring as the Cherrybranch's eyes grew even duller.

Frosttail dragged her body to the stream, it made a plopping noise as she threw it in.

Frosttail watched as it floated away slowly. But it never stopped, it kept flowing until it was gone. Until Oakfur's soulmate was gone.

Forbidden Love-I Killed them all...~~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now