Chapter 8~The Feeling

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Cherrybranch's and Oakfur's eyes lit up with shock and surprise. They weren't expecting her to jump out. Which gave Frosttail the satisfaction of shocking them out of their pelts.

Oakfur's fur prickled up with annoyance. "Oh, it's just you." He mewed, flicking his tail dismissively. Making Frosttail shake with uncontrollable anger.

Cherrybranch's eyes looked confused. "You know this she-cat?" She asked Oakfur curiously.

"Yes, he knows me. He attacked me when he shouldn't have!" Frosttail spat. She left out the part where he got her pregnant.

Cherrybranch's fur stood up from anger. "He would never do that! Oakfur is one of the best warriors in TreeClan." She mewed angrily.

Oakfur's eyes lit up with surprise at Cherrybranch's defense. He turned towards Frosttail, letting his gaze meet hers. "Let it go." Oakfur hissed menacingly.

"No. You'll pay," Frosttail snarled, unsheathing her claws threateningly.

Cherrybranch took an uncertain step backward, her frightened gaze pleading with Oakfur.

But Oakfur didn't notice. He noticed her threat, and he too had unsheathed his claws. He took a few steps forward until he was standing on the border across the stream.

Frosttail stepped forward menacingly.

"Go hide away from here, Cherrybranch," Oakfur ordered the pretty she-cat without taking his eyes off Frosttail.

Cherrybranch looked at him uncertainly, then she spun around and bounded away.

"Why'd you send her away?" Frosttail asked, confused.

Oakfur closed his eyes, irritated. "To keep her safe from you." He meowed bluntly.

He opened his eyes again and looked at her plump belly. Oakfur looked back up at Frosttail.

"What?" Frosttail hissed.

"Go home. You need to protect your kits." Oakfur's meow softened, but he still said it firmly.

Frosttail blinked in surprise. Surprised and confused at his softness. She shook her head scornfully at herself. She couldn't fall for him again, he was probably just tricking her again.

She looked back up, but he was gone. Frosttail hissed in frustration and confusion. Why would he want to protect her?

Then she realized. He just wants to protect his bloodline.

Frosttail hissed in annoyance at the stupid tom. She didn't need him anyway. But her feelings for him were confusing. She felt like she still needed him.

As she started to pad back to GrassClan camp, her thoughts wandered back to Cherrybranch. Her movements began to become stiff with anger. So that was the special she-cat that he liked.

Frosttail knew she had to get rid of her.


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